#details #tree #ground #rock #3in1 #texture #outbackaustralia #outback #australia #ThrowbackThurday
This little family of Dusky Grass-wrens turned into the highlight of the day though. I knew they existed out here, just never seen them before.
#GrassWren #DuskyGrassWren #OrmistonGorge #OutbackAustralia #CentralDeserts #BirdPhotography #Lumix #LumixG9 #MyFirstGrassWren
#grasswren #duskygrasswren #ormistongorge #outbackaustralia #centraldeserts #birdphotography #lumix #LumixG9 #myfirstgrasswren
Today was absolutely amazing. Took me four hours to cover 2km of trail... because I took the macro lens with me!
#Lumix #LumixS5 #Sigma #Sigma105mm #Macro #Photography #OutbackAustralia
#lumix #lumixs5 #sigma #sigma105mm #macro #photography #outbackaustralia
Another lovely day today. Found a few little things to capture, and a big bold sunrise as well.
#Lumix #LumixS5 #Sigma #Sigma105mm #Macro #Photography #OutbackAustralia
#lumix #lumixs5 #sigma #sigma105mm #macro #photography #outbackaustralia
I have to share one more. This lovely lizard is a Long-nose Dragon (doing a little "hot rock dance" and lifting his legs alternately) was tricky to get close enough for the 105mm. But then I look at the detail and I cannot believe it. My eyes can't see any of this without the camera!
Also saw a fire-tailed skink in the wild today but was too slow to photograph that one :)
#LongNoseDragon #Lumix #LumixS5 #Sigma #Sigma105mm #Macro #Photography #OutbackAustralia
#longnosedragon #lumix #lumixs5 #sigma #sigma105mm #macro #photography #outbackaustralia
Evening view. #flindersranges #southaustralia #sunset #outbackaustralia #elderranges
#flindersranges #southaustralia #sunset #outbackaustralia #elderranges
It felt like a stick had dropped on my shoulder. I didn't think much of it until it started climbing up again. Carefully put it back up on its fav gum tree. #StickInsectsOfMastodon #outbackaustralia
#stickinsectsofmastodon #outbackaustralia
Book 1 of 2023
One Hundred Years of Dirt by @squigglyrick (2018 Melbourne University Press)
This is a powerful memoir, and to quote the blurb because it says everything, a meditation on anger, fear of others and an obsession with real and imagined borders.
I picked it up as research for a current WIP examining masculinity, and it does this with precision, but it offers even more in terms of understanding class and privilege in Australia, and how the insidious barriers of poverty impact a person so much.
It is precise in it's language which gives an edge to the understated brutality of domestic violence, poverty and sexuality.
5 cadet journalists out of 5
#ReadingChallenge #RickMorton #OneHundredYearsOfDirt #MelbourneUniversityPress #memoir #Australia #OutbackAustralia #poverty #DomesticViolence #sexuality
#ReadingChallenge #rickmorton #onehundredyearsofdirt #melbourneuniversitypress #memoir #australia #outbackaustralia #poverty #domesticviolence #sexuality
I haven't sent out an email newsletter since August (I'm so rubbish at marketing) and came across this article I made last year on shooting star trails over Uluru and honestly this is one place you have to visit before you die, with or without a camera!
#Uluru #StarTrails #Photography #Lumix #LumixGH6 #OutbackAustralia #Fotografie
#uluru #startrails #photography #lumix #lumixgh6 #outbackaustralia #fotografie
I haven't sent out an email newsletter since August (I'm so rubbish at marketing) and came across this article I made last year on shooting star trails over Uluru and honestly this is one place you have to visit before you die, with or without a camera!
#Uluru #StarTrails #Photography #Lumix #LumixGH6 #OutbackAustralia #Fotografie
#uluru #startrails #photography #lumix #lumixgh6 #outbackaustralia #fotografie
Day 22 of #ArtAdventCalendar is this iconic Sydney feature - the coat hanger is a beautiful old girl.
The poem is “a slow rain” for anyone who doesn’t live in the big smoke.
Tell me about the duality of where you live!
#photo #photography #bridge #Sydney #SydneyHarbourBridge #SydneyHarbour #coathanger #poetry #PoetryByNona #PoetryCommunity #PoetryMastodon #poem #PoemsByNona #PoemsOfMastodon #rain #outback #OutbackAustralia
#artadventcalendar #photo #photography #bridge #sydney #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneyharbour #coathanger #poetry #poetrybynona #poetrycommunity #poetrymastodon #poem #poemsbynona #poemsofmastodon #rain #outback #outbackaustralia
I understand the best way to introduce myself is with hashtags
#rugby (union)
#rugby #auspol #climatechange #solofemaletraveller #outbackaustralia #gardening #grandchildren #netball #alwayswasalwayswillbe