Hey everyone, just a reminder-- the #outcastCreatorCollective is a support network for #queerCreators, #eroticCreators, and other types of #contentCreators that are often ostracized or "treated as outcasts" by mainstream websites (especially #sexWorkers and #eroticArtists !)
We're here to help each other find other creators to #collaborate with, commiserate, share resources, etc!
If you'd like us to boost your posts about new content, livestreams, etc, go ahead and tag us in your post and we'll be happy to do it! :)
#outcastcreatorcollective #queercreators #eroticcreators #contentcreators #sexworkers #eroticartists #collaborate
Honestly I'm really excited we finally started our #outcastcreatorcollective, to help #sexWorkers, #normalizeNudity #activists, and other often- #censored #contentCreators not approved by #thePatriarchy exchange resources, #collaborate / commiserate, and maybe make friends.
There are a few #creator -centric groups out there, but not many (that I can find), and are generally just full of people dropping links to their own content with no interaction with other people in the group. I also don't think a single one of them is focused on being a safe space for outcast creators, either.
Right now we only have a #discord server, but in the future (once we can find sufficient funding and volunteer leaders) we want to establish our own #fediverse server, as well as video host for capitalism-unfriendly content that isn't an outright porn site (because a lot of people simply don't want to have to visit a porn site just to see nonsexual female nipples or full body nudity).
If you'd like to join us, you can do so here. We'd love to have you! https://cr8r.gg/@outcastcreatorcollective/109632387090621956
#outcastcreatorcollective #sexworkers #normalizenudity #activists #censored #contentcreators #thepatriarchy #collaborate #creator #discord #fediverse
Just made a #sworker resources room in our #discord server, for #sexWorkers to let others know about #adultContent - friendly #socialMedia , #livestream and #video platforms, informative articles, etc. Please feel free to check it out by joining our #outcastCreatorCollective server at https://discord.gg/cMtKd8j3 where you'll find a supportive community of "outcast #contentCreators" and our supporters, by which we mean #creators who often face #censorship, #shadowbans, #bannedContent, and other forms of persecution online that "#capitalismFriendly" content approved of by #thePatriarchy do not have to endure.
You don't have to be a creator yourself (or specialize in #nudity #sexWorker or other often-censored types of content), just be prepared to cross paths with those who are, and remain respectful. :)
The main parts of the server are all SFW and require additional age verification to access the #18plus areas, so you don't have to worry about stumbling into sexually explicit content if you don't want!
Thanks and we really hope to get to know you! Our goal is to grow a diverse, supportive and useful network of outcast creators where we can #collaborate, commiserate, share resources, and even make new friends!
#sworker #discord #sexworkers #adultcontent #socialmedia #livestream #video #outcastcreatorcollective #contentcreators #creators #censorship #shadowbans #bannedcontent #capitalismfriendly #thepatriarchy #nudity #sexworker #18plus #collaborate
We're having a lovely conversation over in the #outcastCreatorCollective #discord server about how many new tools there are for #contentCreators to make #collaborativeContent together, especially for things like #coStreaming and #podcast #interviews 😄
If you'd like to join us, you can join the server at https://discord.gg/xsNrtmwGSd !
#outcastcreatorcollective #discord #contentcreators #collaborativecontent #costreaming #podcast #interviews
If you'd like the #outcastcreatorcollective to boost your new content or #nowlivestreaming posts, please follow us and tag us in your post!
#outcastcreatorcollective #nowlivestreaming
It's so great to see new people joining our "ad-unfriendly" #contentcreator #supportnetwork #discord server, so we can get to know you and what you care about. :D
If you haven't heard about #OutcastCreatorCollective, we're a group of creators and their supporters who make "capitalism-unfriendly" content, like videos about #kink / #erotic / #sexualEducation, #nudePhotographers, #eroticArtists, #camGirls / #escorts / #AdultActors and other #sexworkers , #lgbtq / #queer , #fatAcceptance, #disabilityActivism, and a whole lot more!
You don't have to be an "outcast" creator, or a creator at all, to join us--just be ready to cross paths with those who are, and remain respectful towards them.
Our Discord is invite-only for the time being as we improve security against trolls, but feel free to DM me and I can send you a link. 😄 As we establish more members, I'm hoping we can start having #workshops, #collaboration meetups, etc, maybe fun stuff like #gamenights and more.
Really hope you'll join us! If you know anyone else who might like to join, please tag them or send them this link! 🙏
#contentcreator #supportnetwork #discord #outcastcreatorcollective #kink #erotic #sexualeducation #nudephotographers #eroticartists #camgirls #escorts #adultactors #sexworkers #lgbtq #queer #fatacceptance #disabilityactivism #workshops #collaboration #gamenights
The #OutcastCreatorCollective new #Discord server is NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!
Our discord server is a place for #contentcreator / #influencer / #livestream / #artist / #writer / and many other types of #creators (and their fans/supporters!) to share tips and resources, commiserate and complain (in our #rant room 🙂), find others to #collaborate with, and to #selfpromote your content (as long as that's not the ONLY involvement you have with our community!)
The #outcast part of our name is because our community is focused especially on supporting so-called #outcastcreators, those who don't abide by societal rules set by #ThePatriarchy / #Capitalism / #Sponsorships / #AdFriendly / #monetization and are therefore #ostracized -- #banned , #blocked, #shadowbanned , or otherwise #censored / face #censorship to a degree that most creators never face!
Folks like #sexworker / #erotic / #adultentertainer , #intersectionalfeminism (not the ad-friendly "girl power" kind), #normalizenudity ,
#progressive / #leftist ,#sexualeducation , #kink and #fetish education, #LGBTQ + / #queer , #disability , #houseless , #racialequality , #mentalhealth and many other types of #activism , and so on.
(Worry not--any nudity or erotic/adult content is limited to our 18+ rooms, which require age verification to access. You won't accidentally stumble onto anything that's likely to get you embarrassed on the bus!)
Please note you don't HAVE to be an "outcast creator" to join us, you just have to be respectful towards those who are, and expect to cross paths with them in our community.
Also please note that we are NOT a place that is welcoming to white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, TERFs, "debate bros" or otherwise toxic people who usually use the excuse of "free speech" to be hateful towards others. Respectful language is strictly enforced- no insults, no matter how subtle you think you're being, will be tolerated. Our community is, above all else, dedicated to being a #wholesome (if ad-unfriendly) space that is here to support creators and their followers, NOT provide yet another platform for hate.
We're a new server, but staffed with volunteers who have experience with a variety of content creation, and we're very open to feedback to however we can improve our community!
If any/all of that sounds interesting to you and you'd like an invite, you can reply or DM me here, or PM me on Discord at #Ceridwen6967 .
I hope to see you there!
#outcastcreatorcollective #discord #contentcreator #influencer #livestream #artist #writer #creators #rant #collaborate #selfpromote #outcast #outcastcreators #thepatriarchy #capitalism #sponsorships #adfriendly #monetization #ostracized #banned #blocked #shadowbanned #censored #censorship #sexworker #erotic #adultentertainer #intersectionalfeminism #normalizenudity #progressive #leftist #sexualeducation #kink #fetish #lgbtq #queer #disability #houseless #racialequality #mentalhealth #activism #wholesome #ceridwen6967
Okay~ *deep breath* Big news! It's taken about twenty hours over the past week, but I think we've pretty much finished setting up our new #OutcastCreatorCollective #discord server, where #contentcreator and their supporters can commiserate, collaborate, share resources, or otherwise form a #community of supportive friends who are interested in lifting each other up so we can keep up the fight. The server is especially intended for those who are fighting against #thepatriarchy, standing up for #racialjustice, #feminism, #lgbtqia rights, #disability activism, #mentalhealth , #normalizenudity, #sexworkers , #houseless advocacy, and so much more.
Please note that we are NOT welcoming to those who often complain the most about "having their free speech suppressed"--you don't have to be a #progressive #activist to join, but you're unlikely to enjoy yourself if you aren't at least left-of-center.
You don't have to be an "outcast creator" or their supporter to join, but be aware that our focus is to be a safe place for those who are, so respectful behavior is mandatory! If you're not yet a content creator but you would like to get advice and encouragement from others who are, you may be interested in joining as well. :)
While we're still testing out anti-trolling safety measures (that's what took up so much time this week 😅 ) we're keeping the link direct-invite-only, so if you'd like to join, please DM me and I'll give you the link. Also please let anyone you know who might be interested in joining about our new server!
Sorry for all the exclamation points, I'm just really excited 😁
#outcastcreatorcollective #discord #contentcreator #community #thepatriarchy #racialjustice #feminism #lgbtqia #disability #mentalhealth #normalizenudity #sexworkers #houseless #progressive #activist
We're talking in the #FAQ-and-feedback room for the new #OutcastCreatorCollective #discord server, trying to figure out how we can set up or avoid so-called "NSFW" age gating based on the same blatantly sexist, transphobic, partiarchal hegemonic treatment of "female nipples" vs "male nipples," with only the former getting labeled "NSFW" on pretty much every English-speaking website, especially those oriented on serving a United States userbase.
It is our desire to not only have no perceived-gender-based #censorship in place, but to delineate the difference between NONSEXUAL and sexual nudity as well (not to mention how many things can be very overtly sexual, but because there are no genitals or 'female-looking nipples' visible, it gets a free pass to exist on every mainstream site!).
However, Discord remains a private entity, to which we sacrifice our autonomy and data in exchange for convenience. As such, just as on any centralized platform, we don't really have the ability to decide what will or won't get us banned.
For my own content--as a gender-equal anti-censorship activist, I've faced this discrimination on every platform over and over, and the most distressing part of it is how easily false flagging can be weaponized by haters to get creators they dislike deplatformed. Many times, content that was 100% within ToS still got banned for alleged violations.
#faq #outcastcreatorcollective #discord #censorship
So I'm setting up a new discord server for my #outcastcreatorcollective (an idea I had ages ago, about setting up a coommunity for #contentcreators who have faced a lot of ostracization, #censorship, etc for covering "controversial," non-capitalism-endorsed topics like #normalizenudity and #sexworkeradvocacy, and I'm trying to think about what rules I should set up in place, esp about the legality of where people can link to. Like, do I have to mark a room as NSFW just for people who LINK to content containing nudity (NOT actual pornographic content)?
Also, what all types of topic-specific rooms should I make (arts and crafts, video games, social justice, etc)?
I've had my own content-specific server for a while, but I want this place to be focused on content creators in general, a place to share our content (as long as you don't only show up to spam links), find others to collaborate with, share resources, etc. I have some members in my own community already eager to join, but I really want to encourage others. So any feedback on this would be much appreciated!
I'm also looking for experienced #discordmods, so if you're interested, please DM me.
Finally, I want to set up a mastodon server specifically for the OCC, but I'm not sure what might be the most appropriate instance to do so. I haven't found a content creator-specific instance yet, and wouldn't know if they'd allow an account that promotes, like I said, "controversial" creators (NOT rightwing, conspiracy theorists, etc). Any ideas?
The major intent of the OCC mastodon account, in addition to posting anything new about the community, would be to boost the posts of other creators. So even if you don't want to join our discord, feel free to follow and tag us if you want us to look into following back and boosting your posts.
I'm very anti-begging for boosts, but if you would like to help OCC become a reality, please consider boosting this. If not, that's fine too! I really do want this to be an open and responsive community, with active feedback so we can keep trying to improve, so whatever makes you feel welcome, please let us know. :)
#outcastcreatorcollective #contentcreators #censorship #NormalizeNudity #sexworkeradvocacy #discordmods
Sooo I'm looking into starting our own video host and social media instance (either mastodon or friendica) called the #outcastcreatorcollective, basically a "safe space" for "outcast creators" (topless equality activists, sex workers, nudists, lgbtq, body positive, etc) to post without the constant threat of being banned at the drop of a hat--but WITHOUT having to share space with white nationalists, antivaxxers, etc.