THE WEEKLY INJECTION: New Releases From VEXED, TSJUDER & More Out Today 6/23 #2023_06_23 #metal_injection #daniel_cordova #weekly_injection #featured2 #outlanders #structural #the_anchoret #tsjuder #vexed
#2023_06_23 #metal_injection #daniel_cordova #weekly_injection #featured2 #outlanders #structural #the_anchoret #tsjuder #vexed
Heute kam ein tolles entspannendes Album raus was ich euch mal zum reinhören empfehlen möchte:
#Outlanders ist ein Projekt von Tarja Turunen und Torsten Stenzel und wurde über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren aufgenommen, größtenteils auf der Karibikinsel Antigua.
Das Album…
Guten Morgen!
Möglicherweise bin ich wieder bereit für einen Stream. Um Miss Überforderungskuss nicht zu überfordern, schauen wir uns ganz gemütlich #Outlanders von an.
Bitte hier einparken:
Let's Play - #Outlanders! #Letsplay #YouTube -
#outlanders #letsplay #youtube
City Building and Chill - #Outlanders Courtesy of Pomelo Games - #Indiegames #Twitch -
#outlanders #indiegames #twitch
Awe #Outlanders looks cute. I picked it up. It also has full controller support so I'll have to try it out on Steam Deck.
Outlanders review: a charming town builder with a hidden sense of humour - #LifeSimulation #Indiescovery #PomeloGames #Outlanders #Management #WotIThink #Strategy #Indie
#indie #strategy #wotithink #management #outlanders #pomelogames #Indiescovery #lifesimulation
Indiescovery Episode 3: Our Steam Next Fest demo recommendations - #SherLocked:EscapeRoomAdventure #IndiescoveryPodcast #SuperAdventureHand #CookServeForever #AllOfUsAreDead #SteamNextFest #Indiescovery #It'sAWrap! #Outlanders #Podcast
#podcast #outlanders #it #Indiescovery #SteamNextFest #allofusaredead #CookServeForever #superadventurehand #indiescoverypodcast #sherlocked
16 great Steam Next Fest demos to play first this February - #Voltaire:TheVeganVampire #Codename:WanderingSword #AmandaTheAdventurer #SuperAutoBattlemon #SuperAdventureHand #CookServeForever #ShadowsofDoubt #MrSun'sHatbox #SteamNextFest #Indiescovery #ShadyKnight #CityOfBeats #It'sAWrap! #Xenonauts2 #Outlanders #Mr.Saitou #MailTime #Coven #Indie #Demo
#demo #indie #coven #mailtime #Mr #outlanders #xenonauts2 #it #cityofbeats #shadyknight #Indiescovery #SteamNextFest #mrsun #shadowsofdoubt #CookServeForever #superadventurehand #superautobattlemon #amandatheadventurer #codename #Voltaire
hooked on #outlanders for a couple months. Can't put my finger on what makes it different/better than other strategy #iOSgames. Pretty standard- chop trees, build sawmill, make farms, grow eggplant, sell pasta. Race the clock to reach benchmarks. It's challenging and polished with cute graphics.
Cute enough I end up invested in my townsfolk's lives. Making sure their houses have yards and they don't spend their whole lives in the quarry. A+
Highlights of musical listening for the year #2022 via #LastFM
#KrisKristofferson #Metallica #BonnieTyler #AnnekeVanGiersbergen #BethHart #HeatherNova #TheDevilsDaughters #TreesOfEternity #IronMaiden #FloorJansen #Outlanders
#lastfm #happycurrentlistening #KrisKristofferson #metallica #bonnietyler #AnnekevanGiersbergen #bethhart #HeatherNova #thedevilsdaughters #treesofeternity #ironmaiden #floorjansen #outlanders
MAN I want to have opinions and comments on #Anime and talk about anime but I don't watch anything mainstream 😂 Catch me watching obscure 90s and early 2000s series that no one has seen or heard of in twenty years.
And also #Hentai 🤣
#WolfsRain #GingaNagareboshiGin #GingaDensetsuWeed #Earthian #DragonHalf #Digimon #GunXSword #Outlanders #AngelOfDarkness #PrincessKnightCatue #RunesPharmacy
(I can now safely add #KabaneriAndTheIronFortress #KoutetsujouNoKabaneri and #TheDisastrousLifeOfSaikiK #SaikiKusuoNoΨNan to this, LOL)
#anime #hentai #wolfsrain #ginganagareboshigin #gingadensetsuweed #earthian #dragonhalf #digimon #gunxsword #outlanders #angelofdarkness #princessknightcatue #runespharmacy #kabaneriandtheironfortress #koutetsujounokabaneri #thedisastrouslifeofsaikik #saikikusuonoψnan
Sérieux #outlanders? Tu joues comme ça? #appleArcade
Il me restait encore 50 jours pour faire ma mission, mais plus que 5 mecs vivants. Evidement que ces andouilles ont fini par tous mourrir de vieillesse avant de finir les constructions.
Et je me suis quand même acharnée. J'avais quasi tous construit, mais le dernier est mort avant d'achever la 16eme maison, sur les 20 nécessaires. :blobPikaGlare:
My son has been observing this.
Also the #game #outlanders allows you to grow them.
BTW can highly recommend the #outlander #game if you like #problemsolving, #worldbuilding, #quitelovely #games. #gaming #applearcade
#game #outlanders #outlander #problemsolving #worldbuilding #quitelovely #games #gaming #applearcade
A game I haven’t mentioned which is my indulgence is called #Outlanders. Free for me off #applearcade and it keeps me terribly occupied. I wait for new versions coming out like a Hawke. #cosygames #gamer
#outlanders #applearcade #cosygames #gamer
How to Invest in Metaverse: 3 Projects Ready to Explode
#kleksacademy #outlanders #Sponsored
#kleksacademy #outlanders #Sponsored #PAX