Let's Get Tough on Crime! #ArrestTrump and His Evil Minions... Ivanka, Jared, Junior, Eric, Rude Julie Anna, Sidney Powell, Mark Meadows - Just #LockEmUp
It's Obvious that Crimes Have Been Committed... Let's ACTUALLY Enforce the Law! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2023/02/lets-get-tough-on-crime.html Contact the DOJ and Say: #ArrestTrumpNow #EnforceTheLaw #OutlawCrime #DoYourJob
#arresttrump #lockemup #ArrestTrumpNOW #enforcethelaw #outlawcrime #doyourjob
Contact the DOJ: Tell 'em #DoYourJob #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP Here's the Link to Email the Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/contact-us
They Won't Enforce the Law Unless You Remind 'em: #OUTLAWCRIME
#doyourjob #arresttrump #lockhimup #outlawcrime
#ArrestTrump Contact the DOJ and Say: #OutlawCrime #LockHimUP #ArrestTrumpNow https://www.justice.gov/contact-us
#arresttrump #outlawcrime #lockhimup #ArrestTrumpNOW
Contact the DOJ and Say #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp #OutlawCrime #DOJdoYourJob #aRRESTtRUMPnOW https://www.justice.gov/contact-us
#arresttrump #lockhimup #outlawcrime #dojdoyourjob #ArrestTrumpNOW
I Always Change the Channel When I See tRUMP. TV Stations Will NOTICE Lack of Viewers and Stop Broadcasting Him... He's Totally Unimportant Now. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2022/11/change-channel-trump.html Keywords for Future Research:
Trump, loser, failure, evil, exorcism, crazy, #ArrestTrump, #LockHimUP, DOJ, #OutlawCrime, #DoYourJob,
#arresttrump #lockhimup #outlawcrime #doyourjob
I Always Change the Channel When I See tRUMP. TV Stations Will NOTICE Lack of Viewers and Stop Broadcasting Him... He's Totally Unimportant Now. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2022/11/change-channel-trump.html Keywords for Future Research:
Trump, loser, failure, evil, exorcism, crazy, #ArrestTrump, #LockHimUP, DOJ, #OutlawCrime, #DoYourJob,
#arresttrump #lockhimup #outlawcrime #doyourjob