What a bunch of snowflakes.
#darkbrandon #outnumbered #foxnews
On Indonesia’s Seram Island, a massive oil find lies beneath sacred land. Uncertainty and fear now walks with the Bati Indigenous.
SERAM ISLAND, Indonesia — Zainudin Kelsaba traversed across the eastern Seram highland and stopped at an ancient outcrop grown over by trees and scrub. “The mountain is our home,” Zainudin told Mongabay Indonesia. “The trees and rocks are part of our life.”…
#indigenous #sacredlands #threatened #bigoil #climatecrisis #landdefenders #outnumbered #PTBalamEnergy #resourcetheft #violence
#indigenous #sacredlands #threatened #bigoil #ClimateCrisis #landdefenders #outnumbered #ptbalamenergy #resourcetheft #violence
It's half term holidays here, so it's #Mondog plus friend....I feel #Outnumbered, what could possibly go wrong! #BorderCollie #RescueDog
#Mondog #outnumbered #bordercollie #rescuedog
“Phänomenal” – Neonazis wollen Sorge um Asyl-Container nutzen – doch ihr Aufmarsch geht mächtig schief – #outnumbered #antifa
In Zapfendorf hat die Neonazi-Partei “Der III. Weg” versucht, Bedenken zu einem möglichen Container-Dorf für Asylsuchende für sich zu nutzen. Doch in der Ortschaft stießen sie auf Widerstand. Der “III. Weg” hatte 50 Teilnehmer für eine Demonstration angemeldet, Letztlich kamen aber nur 15.
Der Gegenprotest war 100 Personen stark,
Drug #overdose #deaths have been the focus of far greater public effort and intervention, and although they also rose quickly – by 28% in 2021 – deaths due to #alcohol #outnumbered them two to one, according to the health department data.
#overdose #deaths #alcohol #outnumbered