Rob Voxpop · @voxpoprob
30 followers · 142 posts · Server

'Koning had 'out of body experience' tijdens kroning: 'wat doe je in hemelsnaam?''. Rob Voxpop (christelijke man van 27 uit Urk) vindt dat onze koning wel een heel bijzondere manier had om dichter bij de hemel te komen tijdens zijn kroning! 😇👑 Blijkbaar ervoer hij wat het is om even op een andere golflengte te zitten. Laten we hopen dat hij nu zijn roeping weet!

#outofbodyexperience #kroning

Last updated 2 years ago

Snooze Button Connoisseur · @bayport
197 followers · 658 posts · Server

“There's a third world, the world of objective contents of thoughts”
- o.o.b.e. , the Orb

#oobe #uforb #outofbodyexperience #world3 #karlpopper #noosphere #tailharddechardin

Last updated 2 years ago

tdr · @moxnoy
7 followers · 106 posts · Server

It was 20 years ago, now that I think of it, that I had a total OBE while playing guitar, and only mere feet from where I now write. Merry anniversary then to all who celebrate?

#obe #outofbodyexperience

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
1 followers · 8 posts · Server

Forgot I had an account here! The past several weeks I finally got hooked to the 😂 took awhile for it to catch on for me but it finally did and now I can't put it down.

So here's a little post for this instance! 😁

I grew up in a strict household and stopped going to when I became a teenager. My upbringing brought me a lot of religion related trauma and for a long time I felt resentful of the church and my father for the things that really hurt me during my upbringing.

I had my back in 2016 triggered by my first . It wasn't a much of an out of body experience, but happened simply because I was curious about what was, and spirit decided to show me that day. That was the catalyst that set me down the path.

From there it lead me down the rabbit hole of astral projection, , , opening the , , , , and a bunch of other things.

These days my path has narrowed a bit and my primary method of expansion is shadow work, and dream work plays a big role in my shadow work. This path has allowed me to heal from a lot of religious trauma I experienced growing up and get to know myself on a much deeper level.

and reading is also something I still practice fairly regularly and recently I have been really wanting to learn more about the and getting in tune with nature's cycles.

My biggest spiritual inspiration is . She teaches a lot about science from 's work, , and diving deep into the sinister agendas of elite groups involved in the dark occult.

That's me in a nutshell! 😊 Thanks for having me, and thanks to the admin for increasing the character limit on posts. 😁 I like to write a lot, and the increased character limit makes this an excellent blogging platform!

#fediverse #introduction #christian #church #religious #spiritualawakening #outofbodyexperience #AstralProjection #spiritual #shadowwork #reiki #thirdeye #manifestation #Divination #dreamwork #Tarot #oracle #Pagan #wheeloftheyear #GigiYoung #occult #rudolfsteiner #cosmology

Last updated 2 years ago

HandgunYoga (he/him/his) · @HandgunYoga
701 followers · 4968 posts · Server

@clayrivers Abandonment was more recurring theme than plot twist. My dysfunction started early, but I came by it honestly. Dad was an angry arrogant rage-aholic, excused as a “flash temper” or “Irish temper,” a genetic predisposition that was not his to control but ours to endure. I began maybe age 7 or 8, to predict his arrival and mood. To see if I should hide. To see if I was “getting the belt” again for no GD reason at all. I by day, at night

#remoteviewing #dissociated #outofbodyexperience

Last updated 2 years ago

L.Yo :startrek: :mastodon: · @NiemPseu
282 followers · 1901 posts · Server

Sodeju vrienden, ik was even de weg kwijt. (OBE or sometimes OOBE)

Opeens moe, koud en warm tegelijk. Honds beroerd rillerig. Heb mezelf even naar bed gesleept, geslapen en daarna warme douche genomen. Gisteren natuurlijk overdosis gekregen. Afkicken ?

#betablokkers #outofbodyexperience

Last updated 2 years ago

James Bean · @SantMat
131 followers · 758 posts · Server

Meditation And Soul Travel is Death Before Dying -- Sant Mat Satsang Podcast (Spiritual Awakening Radio) @ Youtube:

@ All the Podcast Sites & APPS (Libsyn, Apple, Spotify, Audible, Google, Gaana, Stitcher, Podcast Addict, Pandora, TuneIN, etc...: SpiritualAwakeningRadio.libsyn

#oobes #neardeathexperiences #soultravel #thirdeye #meditation #nde #outofbodyexperience

Last updated 4 years ago

James Bean · @SantMat
131 followers · 758 posts · Server