Die AfD bei 18-20%: “Die Menschen” haben falsche Wahlpräferenzen – von der Hilflosigkeit, der Polit-Darsteller https://sciencefiles.org/2023/06/05/die-afd-bei-18-20-die-menschen-haben-falsche-wahlpraeferenzen-von-der-hilflosigkeit-der-polit-darsteller/ #TheorienderParteienbindung #politischerWettbewerb #politischeSoziologie #Politikwissenschaft #PolitischesSystem #Parteiensystem #Wahlverhalten #OutofDate #Parteien #AfD
#afd #parteien #outofdate #wahlverhalten #parteiensystem #politischessystem #politikwissenschaft #politischesoziologie #politischerwettbewerb #theorienderparteienbindung
I assume you're joking. The "use by" date is notoriously unreliable — and *salt*?!
Yes, you must be joking. But you had me for a second.
#outofdate #food #usebydaate #corporatescam
Be honest, how often do you go through your kitchen store cupboard and throw away the out of date stuff? I mean things like flour, bran, salt, sugar, cereals, sauce etc.
I just pulled everything out of ours and I'm going to have a purge, as much as it pains me to do it.
#outofdate #food #usebydate
Updated 30-year reference period reflects changing climate
Rising atmospheric concentrations of #GreenhouseGas'es are changing the Earth’s #climate much faster than before. As a result, decision-makers in climate-sensitive sectors and industries such as #WaterManagement, #energy, #agriculture and #viticulture may be basing important decisions on information that may be #OutOfDate...
#outofdate #climatecrisis #greenhousegas #climate #watermanagement #energy #agriculture #viticulture