I'm trying DHCP and DHCPv6 on an Arduino Uno and I'm wondering why it doesn't work ... the script would use 264.3% RAM (5412 bytes / 2048 bytes).
#arduino #dhcp #dhcpv6 #ipv6 #outofmemory
Hmm, so after poking at it, my Ubuntu box will still throw an out of memory error in grub at boot time, but will at least still manage to boot up. Only started happening a couple of kernel updates and my Google-fu isn't finding much.
It's very similar to a (possibly unresolved) problem in 22.04, but I'm still on 20.04.
I mean i could just reinstall but that feels... defeatist.
#linux #ubuntu #grub #outofmemory
I'm trying to open qsv (csv toolkit written in #Rust) in VSCode and rust-analyzer keeps loading and loading until my 8GB RAM is full. 😬
What in the name of Ferris is happening!? :ferris:
There is a process "cc1plus" that allocates 6GB of RAM! Oh my!
Oh noes, it's C++!😵
Wait, what!? Have I just hit this weird UTF-16 bug in GCC?
#OOM #OutOfMemory #Bug #GCC #CPlusPlus #UTF16 #UTF8 #Encoding
#encoding #utf8 #utf16 #cplusplus #gcc #bug #outofmemory #oom #Rust
@RTP Ah, people forgetting to set and/or limit their router's max memory & max speeds according to their hardware's actual capacity.
Though, #OutOfMemory... let me guess, they're using it on setups without #swap while also not having configured anything in the #I2P router to prevent problems?
Also lmao at #CPP #I2PD being less reliable.Yet again I'm vindicated about it being a bad idea.
#outofmemory #swap #i2p #cpp #i2pd #configuration
Well there's a first. Certainly a stretch for my 16GB MBP. Thanks xcode. #xcode #outofmemory
📬 Tor-Netzwerk langsam: DoS-Angriffe treffen auch I2P-Infrastruktur
#Cyberangriffe #Datenschutz #DenialofService #DoSAttacke #I2P #i2pdRouter #IsabelaDiasFernandes #outofmemory #TorBrowser #TORNetzwerk #Zwiebelrouter https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/tor-netzwerk-langsam-dos-angriffe-treffen-auch-i2p-infrastruktur-265079.html
#zwiebelrouter #tornetzwerk #torbrowser #outofmemory #isabeladiasfernandes #i2pdrouter #i2p #dosattacke #denialofservice #datenschutz #cyberangriffe
Okay, this is a handy article for solving a particular problem #Linux admins have.
"To resolve this issue, write -17 to /proc/[pid]/oom_adj, where [pid] is the SSH daemon’s pid."
That is some linux admin voodoo incantation shit.
#linux #linuxadministration #outofmemory #voodoo
@dbb @AndGraceToo A Vic-20 was also my first. I remember spending hours hand entering some basic program (probably a game) that was in a magazine that I'd purchased only to have it run out of memory before I'd finished entering all the code. Needless to say I had a love/hate relationship with that machine. #commodore #vic20 #OutOfMemory #retrocomputing
#commodore #vic20 #outofmemory #retrocomputing
Diese Nacht sind so ziemlich alle meine wichtigen Dienste aufm Raspi abgeschmiert. Docker (Dokumentenmanagmentsystem, Nextcloud, Wordpress) und Transmission. Ärgerlich. 4GB Raspi ist halt wohl doch bissl wenig Hubra(u)m.
@cypnk @tsturm Very relatable. Totally agree.
That said though, reminds me of the following 45-minute lecture I was recently forwarded, from 2014 by Joe Armstrong, entitled, "The Mess We're In":
:youtube: https://youtu.be/lKXe3HUG2l4
#ProgramBloat #outofmemory #ReversingEntropy