⚠️Just a few days left!
Mentoring Communities sign-up for Dec 2023 cohort ends on Sept. 1 at 4 p.m. UTC
Learn more via this chat: https://www.youtube.com/live/iByPTcVON1g?si=PXVEhxWsEWoqLIZp
Check the list of participating communities ®ister here: https://www.outreachy.org/communities/cfp/Check
#outreachy #diversityintech #opensource #mentorship
The December 2023 internship cohort's initial application ends tomorrow, the 22nd.
Here is your last chance to submit your application.
Do tidy up your application and click the submit button.
We wish you the best of luck!
#OpenSource #Outreachy #OpenScience #RemoteWork #DiversityinTech
#opensource #outreachy #OpenScience #remotework #diversityintech
Our @outreachy intern Ayushi is working on many improvements to the #reconciliation user experience in #OpenRefine. For instance: creating a column with URLs of reconciled entities, without having to use GREL. See the other improvements on her radar: https://github.com/orgs/OpenRefine/projects/7 #Outreachy
#reconciliation #openrefine #outreachy
A common theme I’m noticing between today’s #Outreachy and yesterday’s #RightToRepair keynotes at #FOSSY: FOSS is great, but if we don’t commit to actually helping people access it, it’s not useful.
Simply chastising people for using proprietary software, will not somehow force them to re-evaluate their choices and come onboard.
If the UX is bad, if it isn’t obvious how to use the FOSS tools to achieve the desired outcomes, they won’t get used.
#outreachy #righttorepair #fossy
At #FOSSY this morning, there's a keynote celebrating the success of #Outreachy, who have taken on their 1000th intern as of December 2022.
I'm proud to have helped raise the funds to take on three interns back at #LCA2017!
Waiting for the #outreachy keynote to start on the last day of #FOSSY this year. If we haven't had a chance to say hi, please stop by the #GNOME booth today!
How can we better include designers in a #FOSS project like #OpenRefine? Our @outreachy intern Lydia, mentored by @lozross, shares her proposals to improve their onboarding: https://lydiaandcolors.substack.com/p/improving-how-designers-can-contribute #Outreachy #OpenSourceDesign
#foss #openrefine #outreachy #opensourcedesign
Another #Outreachy blog from @mq_nifest (on birdsite):
Everybody Struggles https://mqkel.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/everybody-struggles/
CC: @outreachy
Our Nigeria celebration will happen in Lagos at the largest open source festival in Africa.
The Outreachy folks, past and current interns, mentors, and community coordinators will be connecting and celebrating together.
.@ododopeace (on birdsite) is our second amazing @outreachy intern for this round at the #ModECI project. Learn more about them here:
.@mq_nifest (on birdsite) is one of our excellent @outreachy interns for this round at the #ModECI project. Learn more about them here: https://mqkel.wordpress.com/2023/06/04/outreachy-blog-1-self-introduction/
We welcome our new interns, May - August 2023, today!
Looking forward to your engagement in your various open source and science communities. Document your experiences, connect with others in the community, and use this period best.
Bienvenu, folks 😍
#OpenSource #Outreachy #community
#opensource #outreachy #community
Big congrats 🎉🎉🎉 to @rolandixor who was selected as the #Fedora Badges design intern this #Outreachy round! This is a highly-selective program, and a significant accomplishment! :) Looking forward to working with you :-D
From the #OSJobHub Blog: Open Source Internships to Grow Your Career https://opensourcejobhub.com/blog/open-source-internships-to-grow-your-career/ #jobs #career #OpenSource #internship #FOSS #SummerOfCode #Outreachy
#OSJobHub #jobs #career #opensource #internship #foss #summerofcode #outreachy
The contribution stage is now unlocked!
The initial application results are now available for the May to August 2023 cohort.
We received a whopping 6,971 initial applications. 1,158 initial applications were approved.
We've sent emails to everyone with an approved initial application.
Please check your email or Outreachy dashboard to confirm your status: https://outreachy.org/dashboard
If accepted, please pick a project and start making contributions.
I am off to foss-backstage.de next week and I want to meet you :) There will likely be a fringe gathering of people involved in #Outreachy. #fossback #Berlin #foss
#outreachy #fossback #berlin #foss
It is a mixture of good feelings in the Outreachy community.
The December 2022–March 2023 internship round ended last week, on the 3rd of March.
It is not bye-bye, but see you around in the open source ecosystem. Sending you all good wishes in your career.
Meet our past interns: https://lnkd.in/dUtH6mY8
#Intrernship #OpenSource #OpenScience #RemoteWork #PaidInternship #DiversityinTech #Community #Outreachy
#intrernship #opensource #OpenScience #remotework #paidinternship #diversityintech #community #outreachy
It's official now, the #qemu project will yet again be particpating in #GSoC and #outreachy: https://www.qemu.org/2023/02/23/gsoc-outreachy-2023/
Paying down #LibreOffice technical debt via #outreachy
Reimplementing the #LibreOffice Windows installer with #msicreator and #WiX - nice report from our #outreachy mentee:
#libreoffice #outreachy #msicreator #wix
And that's #ZarrPython 2.14.0 out the door with an experimental implementation of sharding from Jonathan Striebel of #scalableminds 💫, a lovely new #PyData doc theme thanks to Awa Brandon 👇(c/o #Outreachy) and more from the lovely community 🫂
#zarrpython #scalableminds #pydata #outreachy