Punkt. Linie. Fläche. Körper (Raum). Zeit. Alles ist verschränkt. Ja? Raumzeit. 🧐
Nun 5D, enthält das alles. Nichts existiert unabhängig. Nichts gibt es nicht, Quantenvakuum.
Die ganze Zeit, den ganzen Raum. Es passiert alles gleichzeitig. Zeit existiert da nicht. Outside the Box. Da ist sowieso für uns alles #upsidedown #outsidein. Huch, wie ein Schwazes Loch. Auf dessen Ereignishorizont sich alles wiederspiegeln soll, jede Information.
#upsidedown #outsidein #metaphysik
@eldon Thanks for the introduction! I strongly agree regarding the multidimensionality! Persistently good #CX across channels and services is a continuous challenge for the whole organization. From a managerial point of view, maturity frameworks can inform and guide the initiative towards a holistic approach. IMHO, the hard part is to do the cultural and structural groundwork needed to transform siloed factions in the organization into a customer- and product-centric whole. #outsidein
If you do not distinguish between #autonomy and #freedom, you will only see anarchy.
If you do not distinguish between a #group and a #team, you will only see crowds.
If you do not distinguish between #responsibility and #accountability, you will only see irresponsibility.
If you do not distinguish between #TopDown and #OutsideIn, you will only see centralization.
If you do not distinguish between #alignment and #agreement, you will only see subservience.
#autonomy #freedom #group #team #responsibility #accountability #topdown #outsidein #alignment #agreement