#Kreativ Aktionen bei #loscon23 … an #Regeln halten … #outsideofthebox
#kreativ #loscon23 #regeln #outsideofthebox
#KUDOs to all the crazy ones out there, who believe they can change the world - YOU DO!
#Experiment #BeBrave #MakeADifference #OutsideOfTheBox #strechConfortZone - Our global #GUIDE network still rocks - guiding the organization into the #digitalAge - since more than a decade - check this out: https://youtu.be/yzbBUg5dn3M … performed in 2013 #HarlemShake (some might remember this movement)
#kudos #experiment #bebrave #makeadifference #outsideofthebox #strechconfortzone #guide #digitalage #harlemshake
RT @contextconsult@twitter.com
The magic wand question with an ACT twist to help promote:
✨acceptance of experiences
✨defusion from thoughts
✨perspective taking
✨observational distance from internal content
#magicwand #poof #outsideofthebox #psychologicalflexibility #acceptance #defusion #miraclequestion
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/contextconsult/status/1617805676767547394
#miraclequestion #defusion #acceptance #psychologicalflexibility #outsideofthebox #poof #magicwand