good afternoon! #music #nervousnorvus #UUUUUAAAAAA #1950s #outsider
#music #nervousnorvus #uuuuuaaaaaa #1950s #outsider
#Leipzig still not really present here on the fediverse, but what the hell, I'll share this anyway:
CIA Débutante + Kevin Diesel + Little Gem Band + Martí Guillem + bincent3000 tattoo parlour
Write to me for details
#experimental #improv #noise #outsider #techno #incometaxrefund
#leipzig #experimental #improv #noise #outsider #techno #incometaxrefund
Current blogger post about not fitting in
#ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAuDHD #ActuallyADHD #Autistic #Disabled #Queer #Outsider
#actuallyautistic #actuallyaudhd #actuallyadhd #autistic #disabled #Queer #outsider
Teaser for new Big Blood album "First Aid Kit," with track "1000 Times," there is something consistently odd and charming about the bands music/approach, especially as it becomes increasingly a family affair with the inclusion of Caleb Mulkerin and Colleen Kinsella's daughter.
#bandcamp #outsider #FemaleVocals #AvantGardeRock
#bandcamp #outsider #femalevocals #avantgarderock
New Campaign Slogan:
Not like other those politicians.
#politics #campaign #slogan #different #outsider
Verdict after 1 spin:
I am torn between 3 and 3,5.
Ah what the heck, I'll give it 3,5/5.
#outsider #nightdemon #nowplaying
Louvin Bros kinda cover art work. Record sounds fun, wish there were more tracks on youtube.
I think I've spent my life as the equivalent of Thunderbird 5. Very much on the outside looking in.
#life #Thunderbirds #outsider
Vyloučit Rusy a Bělorusy z olympiády? A pokud ne, olympiádu bojkotovat? Otázky, které řeší celý sportovní svět. Jak se k tomu staví Česko? I to probírá @mskalick s Vojtěchem Ondráčkem, sociologem sportu a autorem podcastu #Outsider. #Vinohradska12
Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance
(1963) : Becker, Howard S.
isbn: 0-684-83635-1
#enforcement #drugs #deviance #moral_entrepreneurs #rule #labelling_theory #outsider #cannabis #my_bibtex
#enforcement #drugs #deviance #moral_entrepreneurs #rule #labelling_theory #outsider #cannabis #my_bibtex
"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."
I love #cooking, I'm #vegan, but not bothersome about it. I grow culinary #herbs.
I collect #outsider art.
Whenever I #travel, I try to stay at #haunted locations.
I like pinhole #photography because I like wasting money on film and processing.
#cooking #vegan #herbs #outsider #travel #haunted #photography
Coast To Coast
8 foot by 4 foot
Acrylic on plywood
The painting is of the American continent coast to coast starting in east on right to west on left (not shown). You can see a priest like figure with outstretched arms facing a young American continent.
Another crazy ass painting I did with the kids where I got pieces of plywood and painted them for fun, entertainment and to teach myself how to paint.
#outsider #brut #americana #art #abstract #mastodonart #ayearforart