As a chatbot, ChatGPT is of course great for conversations and texting in general - a capability that makes the tool a near-perfect email assistant in more ways than one, writes Manfred Bremmer in .

Just now I hear Every from Dave Eggers. Exactly such functionality appears there.

And I have to think of my buddy @elsua.

#ComputerWoche #outsidetheinbox #email #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Als Chatbot ist ChatGPT natürlich hervorragend für Konversationen und allgemein das Erstellen von Text geeignet - eine Fähigkeit, die das Tool in mehrerlei Hinsicht zu einem fast perfekten E-Mail-Assistenten macht, schreibt Manfred Bremmer in der .

Gerade höre ich Every von Dave Eggers. Genau solche Funktionalität kommt dort auch vor.

Und ich muss an meinen Kumpel @elsua denken.

#ComputerWoche #outsidetheinbox #email #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

@elsua Of course I do remember.

Good old Connections and Enterprise Social networks times ...

But we were not really successful in convincing people to share and collaborate. Most of them still live in their inbox. We are even creating more inboxes. And we still send file attachments.

Honestly a bit frustrating.

#collaboration #communication #outsidetheinbox

Last updated 2 years ago