Hey listeners! Just in case you forgot…
here’s our latest podcast.
#DLBCast #Podcast #Spotify #ApplePodcast #OverCastFM
#overcastfm #applepodcast #spotify #podcast #dlbcast
my friend Lauren hosts this amazing podcast focusing on language and culture. it features multilingual guests of all walks of life chatting about their experiences.
#SpeakingTongues #podcast #languages #multilingual #culture #SpotifyPodcasts #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #OvercastFM #PocketCasts #RadioPublic #AnchorFM
#speakingtongues #podcast #languages #multilingual #culture #spotifypodcasts #applepodcasts #googlepodcasts #overcastfm #pocketcasts #radiopublic #anchorfm
@overcastfm A point for feedback - https://www.icloud.com/notes/0c2M2NEvc7R6hvWezcIXtvLkw
Nonetheless, love the app!
@overcastfm Started to try the podcast app #OverCastFM
First I miss: Sorting by playtime(remaining)
Is there a priority list for new features?
@DHinOH330 @marcoarment @CoachTim agreed, it’s been consistently reliable for years. The features appeal to me, there’s not a ton of fluff, and everything just works. I’ve tried a bunch of different podcast apps over the years just to see what’s what, but I always end up back at #OvercastFM.
@armeck @marcoarment personally I think it’s better but that’s at least partially due to me being used to #OvercastFM and liking the way it works. Your mileage may vary.
I’d suggest giving it a try. The subscription is optional so there’s no risk and none of the key functionality is locked behind payment.
If you like it then that’s positive, and if you don’t then you’ve lost nothing aside from the time spent giving it a go.
Just renewed #overcastfm for another year. Hands down the best iOS podcast app I’ve used, and no matter how many others I’ve tried over the years I keep coming back. Top tier work from @marcoarment.
@IU1KGS @M0YNG @VE2UWY @smitty My favorite podcast client #overcastfm supports chapter markers and they are awesome. Let’s me skip past something that’s not truly interesting for me while also making it super easy to repeat a section where I have a “wait, what?” moment…
I forhold til #nrk så legger de de fleste (alle?) tilgjengelig ihvertfall på Apples podcast-liste. Jeg bruker #overcastfm, som henter derfra. Vil tro de er tilgjengelig på andre aggregatorer.
Happy anniversary to my #OvercastFM subscription! Technically it was yesterday but the invoice from Apple arrived today and reminded me. I'm grateful to @marcoarment for writing a fantastic bit of podcast software and something I use literally every day and every night to get to sleep.
Guys guys guys @marcoarment is here!
Edit: Removed my question of whether it is really him when I saw the confirmed link to his site. Sorry for ever doubting you.