#Needlessy #overcomplicated #php display lastline of file
#codealcea #needlessy #overcomplicated #php
Needless #overcomplicated #php display lastline of file
#codealcea #overcomplicated #php
You could buy one of these shaving thing-a-ma-jigs, replace the suction cups with grommets, and then either get two cheap tripods to attach the grommets to, or put eye-hooks on your ceiling and dangle down lines to tie to the grommets. Simple! #Overcomplicated #RubeGoldberg -ian.
#overcomplicated #rubegoldberg
Cool Face Mask Turns Into Over-Engineered Headache
#overcomplicated #Photogrammetry #WearableHacks #MedicalHacks #facemask #cooling
#overcomplicated #photogrammetry #WearableHacks #MedicalHacks #facemask #cooling