Alexis Perrier · @alexisperrier
126 followers · 310 posts · Server

is challenging for
I could not make it imagine or
Truly wish I was rising in the spacy one!!
But@it got the vibe right in the end

#paris #metro #midjourney #rushhour #overcrowded

Last updated 1 year ago

D(e)rMOB · @bacma
2 followers · 26 posts · Server

🔵 Oggi la barca a vela @resqship_int ha assistito un'imbarcazione con 39 persone in pericolo. Ha preso a bordo bambinə, madri e una donna incinta. Alcune ore dopo la Guardia Costiera italiana ha completato il soccorso. Ora nuovo intervento in corso.RESQSHIP: 1/2 Early morning, our crew found a drifting boat with 39 people in . Two days ago they had departed from Sfax at night. The crew distributed safetyvests, water and cookies. A pregnant woman, a baby & two children + mothers were taken on board the .

#distress #overcrowded #nadir

Last updated 2 years ago

This excerpt from :

"In the , the term initially meant a large building with multiple small spaces to . As grew in the nineteenth century, there was increasing between rich and poor. With rapid and , with gave a reputation as ."

#wikipedia #unitedstates #tenement #rent #cities #separation #urban #growth #immigration #overcrowded #houses #poorSanitation #tenements #slums

Last updated 5 years ago