From SF Public Health
Visitors to the SF County Jail at 425 Seventh St can now help themselves to free naloxone, the antidote to an opioid overdose & fentanyl test strips.
@SF_DPH provides naloxone to people at risk of overdose and/or people who want to be prepared to save a life
#sfgovernment #harmreduction #overdosecrisis
Name a California politician who does much better at promoting monetizable substance uses than at promoting #HarmReduction and addressing the #OverdoseCrisis
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis
The Right-Wing Backlash to Harm Reduction in Canada
#HarmReduction #OverdoseCrisis
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis
#DueDiligence re: #Opiods #OverdoseCrisis
Diagnosis from the front lines - GREED.
The Crime of the Century
#duediligence #opiods #overdosecrisis
Gov. Gavin Newsom will double the number of state police officers helping crack down on fentanyl dealing in San Francisco, he told The Chronicle
paywall free
#overdosecrisis #overpolicingcrisis #harmreduction
From UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk:
"New World Drug Report leaves no room for doubt: #WarOnDrugs harms, not helps public health.
Fear & stigma drive people underground, away from services & ultimately fuel tragic surge in drug use & deaths.
On #WorldDrugDay, I urge Govts to #SupportDontPunish & reform drug policy."
#warondrugs #worlddrugday #supportdontpunish #harmreduction #overdosecrisis #sffailedleadership
"California has spent decades trying to police, punish and shame people into treatment. It didn’t work.
If we want different results, we must be willing to do some things differently."
#HarmReduction #OverdoseCrisis
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis
From SF Dept of Public Health (SFDPH)
Want to help save lives and reverse overdoses? Pick up naloxone free of charge at SFDPH’s Behavioral Health Services Pharmacy
1380 Howard St.
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am-6:30 pm | Sat-Sun, 9am-12pm & 1-4:30 pm
#sfgovernment #publichealth #harmreduction #overdosecrisis
From SF Dept. of Public Health
Fentanyl test strips save lives. SF DPH and community partners provide these test strips at many locations for people to check if their supply contains the deadly opioid and to stop overdoses.
#HarmReduction #OverdoseCrisis
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis
From Hilary Agro
"Last week, a silicon valley heiress said we should publicly lynch fentanyl dealers. So I wrote a piece for Canada's biggest newspaper explaining why that's not only horrifying, it won't actually stop fentanyl.
Please read and share"
[unpaywalled link]
Supervisor Preston's response to "the Governor's publicity stunt in the Tenderloin."
#WarOnDrugsAgain #CallOutTheGuard #OverdoseCrisis #SanFrancisco
#warondrugsagain #callouttheguard #overdosecrisis #sanfrancisco
S.F. fentanyl crisis: Newsom directs CHP and National Guard to combat drug dealing in city
[liberated Chron piece]
#OverdoseCrisis #TryFailedPoliciesAgain
#overdosecrisis #tryfailedpoliciesagain
From Governor Newsom's office
Today we’re announcing a new partnership with @sfgov @CHP_HQ and @CalGuard
to disrupt fentanyl trafficking in San Francisco.
We're strengthening law enforcement presence & improving public safety by cracking down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis.
#warondrugs #tryfailedpoliciesagain #overdosecrisis
From Evan Sernoffsky
BREAKING: @GavinNewsom says CHP, California National Guard, SFPD and DA's office forming partnership focused on dismantling fentanyl trafficking in San Francisco
ht @Akrazia
From Sup. Preston:
Gov. Newsom vetoed safe consumption legislation last year. I hope his visit to my district today, and specifically seeing the tragic consequences of blocking safe consumption sites, causes him to rethink his position. We need overdose prevention sites now to save lives.
#HarmReduction #opioids #OverdoseCrisis
#harmreduction #opioids #overdosecrisis
"My mom died of an overdose. My sister barely survived. Here's what it taught me about S.F.’s drug crisis"
Chronicle Op-Ed
#SanFrancisco #opioids #HarmReduction #OverdoseCrisis
#sanfrancisco #opioids #harmreduction #overdosecrisis
Glide Memorial Church here in San Francisco, located in what is ground zero for the opioid crisis here, set up a (non-mobile) demonstration safe consumption site to show how such sites and programs operate.
Mayor Breed toured it, along with other City officials (and myself), and said "We want to open one as soon as possible."
That was in 2018.
Since then, more than 2584 people have died from overdoses in San Francisco.
Let me repeat that figure: more than 2584
And that is projected to grow to more than 3239 by the end of this year.
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis #opioids #sanfrancisco
Op-Ed: I was addicted to fentanyl. Here's what we should be doing about it.
The National Institutes of Health concluded in a study that “[safe consumption sites] are associated with lower overdose mortality,” and “67% fewer ambulance calls for treating overdoses.”
Initiatives like safe injection sites do not enable nor encourage people to use drugs.
Even if you can’t get behind the idea of saving someone’s life, and care only about getting addicts out of public view, listen to the evidence that demonstrates that safe injection sites achieve that aim. A study in Vancouver, Canada, showed that safe injection sites actually reduced the prevalence of public drug use in the surrounding area.
If only we had politicians brave enough, bold enough to JUST DO IT.
Take a leaf from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - pretend you don't know the rules.
#harmreduction #overdosecrisis #sanfrancisco
Irvin Cartagena faced a potential life sentence for supplying drugs that caused “The Wire” actor’s overdose, but a guilty plea allows for less prison time.
#News #MichaelK.Williams #homicide #fentanyl #deathbydealer #tranq #overdose #overdosecrisis #Drugs
#News #michaelk #homicide #fentanyl #deathbydealer #tranq #overdose #overdosecrisis #drugs
The case of harm reduction,
A radical approach to emotion,
A year inside a crisis,
Where measures should be concise,
Addressing overdoses,
And aiming for cures,
It's a plan both bold and wise.
#overdosecrisis #harmreduction #usahealthcare #addiction #poetry
#addiction #overdosecrisis #usahealthcare #poetry #harmreduction