Mayor Ashcraft shares remarks from her address at the recent Memorial Day commemoration and encourages Alamedans to visit the 'Overflowing With Hope' exhibit at the Main Library about Alameda's Japanese community and their forced internment during World War II. Photo Maurice Ramirez.
#alameda #holiday #japantown #MemorialDay #AlamedaPoint #CorsairFlats #AlamedaFreeLibrary #OverflowingWithHope #VeteransMemorialPark #AlamedaNavalAirStation #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #holiday #japantown #memorialday #alamedapoint #corsairflats #alamedafreelibrary #overflowingwithhope #veteransmemorialpark #alamedanavalairstation #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
There was standing room only for the opening of the “Overflowing with Hope: The Hidden History of Japanese Americans in Alameda” exhibit at Alameda Free Library. The important exhibit documenting the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II will be open through July 15.
#densho #alameda #InternetArchive #AlamedaFreeLibrary #OverflowingWithHope #RhythmixCulturalWorks #BuddhistTempleOfAlameda #BuenaVistaUnitedMethodistChurch
#densho #alameda #internetarchive #alamedafreelibrary #overflowingwithhope #rhythmixculturalworks #buddhisttempleofalameda #buenavistaunitedmethodistchurch
A new exhibit opens at the Alameda Free Library 81 years after Japanese immigrants in Alameda were forcibly removed from their homes and incarcerated in internment camps as "enemy aliens."
#alameda #japantown #CommunityEvents #AlamedaFreeLibrary #OverflowingWithHope #AlamedaJapaneseAmericanHistoryProject
#alameda #japantown #communityevents #alamedafreelibrary #overflowingwithhope #alamedajapaneseamericanhistoryproject