I'm trying my hand at creating bespoke, hand-made reaction gifs.
#MiracleWorkers #EndTimes #MiracleWorkersEndTimes #Season4 #GIF #GIFs #JonBass #DanielRadcliffe #HeyGuys #OverHere
#miracleworkers #endtimes #miracleworkersendtimes #season4 #gif #gifs #jonbass #danielradcliffe #heyguys #overhere
Love that so many #journalists are making the move #overhere and having so many of them join journa.host is convenient BUT if all reputable journos are on the one instance and it goes down... then what?
#journalists #overhere #decentralization #thoughts
I avoided joining Twitter for a long time, all I knew was that people used it to complain to companies or post live opinions about TV shows, sports or politics 🫠. It wasn't until @mmakar explained that it was how she kept up with the ML community. It's been that and more!
I'm looking forward to seeing if we can replicate the same value #overhere.
Seems to me that a #hashtag like #MeanwhileOnTwitter should be floating around so folks who still have a foot on #Twitter can give us a sense of what's going on #OnTwitter.
I have half a dozen or ten people I adore #OnTwitter, Purely Online Friends (or should that be a tag? #PurelyOnlineFriends?), and I'm hoping that in the fullness of time they join the #TwitterMigration and get a pied-à-terre #OnHere (or #OverHere?).
#hashtag #meanwhileontwitter #twitter #ontwitter #purelyonlinefriends #twittermigration #onhere #overhere
I did this for FB and figured #overhere would like it!
Blank sheet included