Overpass 2 Gameplay Trailer Released, Releases This Month
https://racesimcentral.net/overpass-2-gameplay-trailer-released-releases-this-month/ #overpass
In his latest blog post @jake used overpass-ultra to visualize Sydney's contraflow bike lanes https://jakecoppinger.com/2023/08/contraflow-streets-in-the-city-of-sydney/ #openstreetmap #overpass #bikelane #bike
#OpenStreetMap #overpass #bikelane #bike
Un chouette projet qui permet de faire des requêtes en langage naturel sur une carte #openstreetmap / #osm
Ça transforme votre demande écrite en langage naturel en requête #overpass en gros ^^
Ensuite il est possible de télécharger le résultat au format .geojson
Site de démo:
#openstreetmap #osm #overpass #osmgpt
This guy geolocates photos in <5m. Among his tools, he uses #OpenStreetMap and #overpass to find addresses with a particular house number in a city.
Global News BC: Truck with oversized load hits Delta overpass on Highway 99, snarling traffic https://globalnews.ca/news/9840398/delta-overpass-hit-highway-99/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DeltaoverpasshitTuesday #Highway99overpassstruck #OverpassstruckHighway99 #Deltaoverpasshit #OverpasshitDelta #overpassstruck #overpasshit #Highway99 #Overpass #Traffic
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #deltaoverpasshittuesday #highway99overpassstruck #overpassstruckhighway99 #deltaoverpasshit #overpasshitdelta #overpassstruck #overpasshit #highway99 #overpass #traffic
A LinkedIn post by Steve Attewell’s Post (no blog post or Mastodon):
> This video shows the experimental AI app I'm building. I use it to get residential and commercial land use data from OpenStreetMap using natural language.
> I then download the data from the app and give it to ChatGPT and ask ChatGPT to give us a pie chart of the data showing the ratio between commercial and residential land.
#openstreetmap #osm #ai #geospatial #chatgpt #overpassturbo #overpass
#openstreetmap #osm #ai #geospatial #chatgpt #overpassturbo #overpass
For 3D rendering of #OpenStreetMap only tiles with some more "building:part" tagging is interesting. I need zoom 13 tiles.
A list with x/y values of tiles above n tags would be good.
Is it possible to find them with an #OverPass query? Or a script, I could run?
J'ai envie de vous parler d'un super outil que j'utilise souvent : #Overpass.
Le contexte ? #OpenStreetMap.
C'est un outil et une base de donnée géniale, qui contient des données libres de qualité contribuées par des milliers de personnes. Une mine d'or si vous cherchez des infos géographiques.
On va prendre un exemple : je veux trouver l'emplacement de tous les musées gratuits à Paris. Et je voudrais exporter une carte de Paris en image avec les musées dessus. Vous êtes prêt·es ? #GeoThread
#overpass #openstreetmap #geothread
new york city
spring 1975
east broadway, between catherine street and market street
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #color #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #lowereastside #chinatown #twobridges #eastbroadway #streetphotography #streetlife #street #buildings #architecture #bridge #overpass #bus #1970s
#photography #film #color #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #lowermanhattan #lowereastside #chinatown #twobridges #eastbroadway #streetphotography #streetlife #street #buildings #architecture #bridge #overpass #bus #1970s
@tatzelbrumm das wichtigste tool für #OpenStreetMap ist #Taginfo (in Verbindung mit #Overpass). Da gibt es fast nichts, das es nicht gibt https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/man_made=insect_hotel
#OpenStreetMap #taginfo #overpass
Ma conférence "Overpass Turbo : le couteau suisse des données #OSM" présentée lors du #SOTM State of the Map France à Marseille est en replay sur https://peertube.openstreetmap.fr/w/tzPeb3w8W7TKmCm4g7eiEF. Les slides sont ici: https://ncloud.cartocite.fr/index.php/s/YAESDW5YTGsDzF7
Prochaine formation #Overpass prévue en Octobre: consultez le programme sur https://cartocite.fr/formation-requetes-overpass/
THIS. If you love the #openstreetmap data, but, like me, you are overwhelmed by trying to work out #Overpass queries, have a look at this #AI-based map #tool Trident. https://trident.yuiseki.net/?utm_source=puntofisso&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=520-quantum-of-sollazzo (once again, via @puntofisso)
#openstreetmap #overpass #ai #tool
Global News BC: Truck hits overpass in Abbotsford, bursting into flames https://globalnews.ca/news/9729807/truck-hits-overpass-abbotsford-traffic/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TruckhitsoverpassAbbotsford #Truckhitsoverpasshighway1 #Abbotsfordoverpasshit #OverpasshitAbbotsford #Hightway1overpasshit #TruckHitsOverpass #Abbotsfordpolice #overpasshit #Abbotsford #Overpass #Traffic
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #truckhitsoverpassabbotsford #truckhitsoverpasshighway1 #abbotsfordoverpasshit #overpasshitabbotsford #hightway1overpasshit #truckhitsoverpass #Abbotsfordpolice #overpasshit #Abbotsford #overpass #traffic
OVERPASS 2 Off-Road Driving Game Announced For October Release
https://racesimcentral.net/overpass-2-off-road-driving-game-announced-for-october-release/ #overpass #offroad
122/365 in Myanmar/Burma
Today 9 years ago in Burma/Myanmar (May 3rd, 2014)
There was not a pedestrian bridge(overpass bridge) at the one of the busiest intersection in Yangon(ရန်ကုန်)
#歩道橋 #ヤンゴン #ミャンマー #ビルマ #overpass #yangon #burma #myanmar
Global News BC: B.C. trucking company involved in multiple highway overpass strikes denies safety concerns https://globalnews.ca/news/9667857/bc-trucking-company-safety-concerns-highway-overpass-strikes/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #Highwayoverpasseshit #BCtruckingcompanies #BCoverpassstruck #overpassstruck #HighwaySafety #Overpasseshit #overpasshit #bctrucking #Politics #Overpass #Trucking #Traffic
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #MinistryofTransportation #highwayoverpasseshit #bctruckingcompanies #bcoverpassstruck #overpassstruck #highwaysafety #overpasseshit #overpasshit #bctrucking #politics #overpass #trucking #traffic
Global News BC: Caught on camera: Loaded truck hits Highway 1 overpass in Abbotsford, B.C. https://globalnews.ca/news/9665552/abbotsford-truck-vs-overpass/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #commercialvehiclehitsoverpass #commericalvehicleoverpass #peardonvilleoverpass #abbotsfordoverpass #OverpassCollision #BCHighwayPatrol #MotorVehicleAct #overpassstruck #overpasscrash #hitoverpass #overpasshit #Overpass #Traffic #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #commercialvehiclehitsoverpass #commericalvehicleoverpass #peardonvilleoverpass #abbotsfordoverpass #overpasscollision #bchighwaypatrol #motorvehicleact #overpassstruck #overpasscrash #hitoverpass #overpasshit #overpass #traffic #crime