Have you seen #AlbertBartlett's 'Arithmetic, Population and Energy' lecture from the late nineties. We are truely living it.
Watch it to the poem on #overpopulation (it's near the end).
#AlbertBartlett #overpopulation
What you should know – but didn’t know to ask – about overshoot and the ‘population question’
"a) the sheer number of humans and the scale of economic activity are undermining the functional integrity of the ecosphere and; b) left unattended, this reality will precipitate a global economic and population contraction – i.e., civilizational collapse—later in this century."
#Collapse #Overpopulation #Ecosphere #Civilization #Economics
#collapse #overpopulation #ecosphere #civilization #economics
Nothing good can survive #overpopulation.
Habitats cannot survive it,
Privacy cannot survive it,
Compassion cannot survive it.
Have you seen #AlbertBartlett's 1999 Arithmetic, Population and Energy lecture?
Watch it to the end, the prison we have allowed them to build for us.
#overpopulation #AlbertBartlett
The #otter population in #Singapore is ot-ter control
#OtterChaos #otterable #overpopulation #birthrate #mastoart #digitalart #digitalpainting #otters
#otters #digitalpainting #digitalart #mastoart #birthrate #overpopulation #otterable #otterchaos #singapore #otter
Of these puppies, more than half will die before they reach adulthood. For those who do make it, they are bound to a miserable life of #suffering.
Every day is a struggle as they live in constant fear of #hunger, #disease, #injury and the risk of #cruelty.
#Overpopulation and uncontrolled #breeding leads to a never-ending cycle of #abandoned and neglected animals.
No #animal deserves to suffer like this.
Sadly, this is the tragic reality for stray animals in #Asia.
#asia #animal #abandoned #breeding #overpopulation #cruelty #injury #disease #hunger #suffering
We need to continue to blame coal & oil burning as the major cause of #climatechange, but we also need to address the root cause of fossil fuel over-consumtion. #Overpopulation.
It's time to re-address unbridled, unchecked breeding in all countries. I never had children for mainly this reason. As a child, the movie #SoylentGreen made a huge self-evident impression on me.
This subject should not be taboo, & humans need to stop enviro-irresponsibly popping out babies like Pez dispensers.
#ClimateChange #overpopulation #soylentgreen
Overpopulation is a myth that needs a sense of perspective. Blaming population growth for the world’s problems is a convenient distraction from the real causes, such as inequality, consumption, and power. Population growth is not a threat, but an opportunity, as more people can mean more innovation, diversity, and solidarity.
#overpopulation #myth #perspective https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/opinion/a-convenient-distraction-the-overpopulation-myth-needs-a-sense-of-perspective-351490/
#overpopulation #myth #perspective
@Radical_EgoCom thanks, I didnt know the term Malthusian! Read this article a while back and dont accept any false #Overpopulation argument https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/9/26/16356524/the-population-question
Just read this excellent book. Learnt a lot. BUT, I feel there are two bigger issues not taken into account. One is the number of humans- even if we feed them all while minimizing the effect on the planet, people will still want computers, housing, clothing etc, all of which uses space and resources desperately needed by the plant, animal and fungal inhabitants of earth. We need for discussion about population reduction. #overpopulation #georgemonbiot #sustainability
#overpopulation #georgemonbiot #sustainability
#crisis #overpopulation #nukes #horror #sarcasm #lovecraft #cthulhu #humor #humour
speaking about the unspeakable: human overpopulation -- it it killing the planet?
#overpopulation #ClimateCrisis https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/overpopulation-climate-crisis-energy-resources-1.6853542
#overpopulation #climatecrisis
La petite île de Bréhat (22) a décidé d’instaurer un quota de visiteurs cet été pour réguler le flux de touristes.
Du 14 juillet au 25 août, l’accès à l’île bretonne sera limité à 4.700 visiteurs par jour maximum.
Les trois compagnies maritimes qui assureront le comptage râlent déjà sur le manque à gagner. Les bretons et leur patrimoine décidément ;(
La petite île de Bréhat l’île de Bréhat a décidé d’instaurer un quota de visiteurs cet été pour réguler le flux de touristes.
Du 14 juillet au 25 août, l’accès à l’île bretonne sera limité à 4.700 visiteurs par jour maximum.
Les trois compagnies maritimes qui assureront le comptage râlent déjà sur le manque à gagner. Les bretons et leur patrimoine décidément ;(
I have made a deprogramming AI, and it seems to be working beautifully so far:
"Humanity is a plague to the planet. We have infested this beautiful living thing we call Earth, and are currently in the process of destroying it. Everything we produce and everything we do is destroying natural life and replacing it with man made things. It is the responsibility of each person who is aware of this, to stop reproducing so much and be more mindful of their consumption."
#ai #doom #overpopulation
AAAS: "Hello kitty, goodbye kittens? Gene therapy spays cats without surgery." Spaying or neutering cats + dogs has the added benefit of protecting against mammary cancer + other disorders. Globally, more than half of the approimately 1.5 billion dogs + cats are homeless. "Many die on the streets, victims of cars or disease; others are killed in mass culling campaigns that seek to protect wildlife or prevent the spread of rabies." Spay/neuter surgeries casn help, but large-scle sterilization of often feral animals is infeasible. 'David Pépin, a reproductive biologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, spent his early career researching antimüllerian hormone (AMH), which is produced by follicles in the ovary that give rise to eggs.' Pépin + colleagues inserted the AMH gene with a harmless virus often used to ferry replacement genes into cells with an injection into thigh muscles. The treated cats failed to ovulate, while the sham-injected controls remained fertile. One cat followed over 5 yrs continued to exhibit elevated AMH. A meeting is planned next month with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to map out larger safety + efficacy studies, but a commercial product will probably not be available for 5 yrs. Having far fewer unsupervised cats in the world would protect many birds + ecosystems. #spayandneuter #genetherapies #overpopulation
#spayandneuter #genetherapies #overpopulation
"The disappearance of major diseases like smallpox means the population has boomed. “The region supported about a million pastoralists for centuries,” says Scaglia. “Now there are 14 million.” Such numbers overshoot the region’s carrying capacity, and destroy it by overgrazing, which triggers erosion."
"Around 23 million people are experiencing food insecurity in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya."
#overpopulation #collapse #overshoot
https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/18/world/disappearing-lakes-reservoirs-water-climate-intl/index.html The world’s largest lakes are shrinking dramatically, and scientists say they have figured out why #overpopulation #environmentalism
#overpopulation #environmentalism
Yesterday I watched "Soylent Green" from 1973.
It's an old #syfy movie that touches on a number of interesting topics like #overpopulation, poverty, food shortages due to #ClimateChange, the extreme power of big corporations and even sexual exploitation of women.
While it has a lot of flaws it's still worth watching, I think. I hope they'll make a modern remake some day!
Get the #torrent here:
#torrent #climatechange #overpopulation #syfy
> The environmental and peace movements are needed to help develop peaceful, permaculture responses to "#PeakEverything".
The previous is a quote from a #MarkRobinowitz, whose highly interesting website asks how we survive "Peak Everything", including #peakOil, so-called "peak technology", #overpopulation and #peakMoney and other resource conflicts.
He also touches on #indyMedia, which is heavily needed (@witchescauldron).
#peakeverything #markrobinowitz #peakoil #overpopulation #peakmoney #indymedia