I am still testing #dlvr.it out. So bare with me if I am #overposting this. https://anchor.fm/midnight-starr/episodes/Stregheria-Tradition-Episode-e1upvvo?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
I am still testing #dlvr.it out. So bare with me if I am #overposting this. https://anchor.fm/midnight-starr/episodes/Stregheria-Tradition-Episode-e1upvvo?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
My favorite mastodon function is to #MutePeopleForAWeek. I have been using it all the time.
I have never blocked anyone (yet), but when I’m irked by #OverPosting, #OverBoosting, #LittleTooHighOnThemselves, #JustShutUpForABit or #AndOtherReasonIFeelLike, I just mute them for a wee bit.
Then, a week later, I’m happy to see them again. Bit like RL, really.
#mutepeopleforaweek #overposting #overboosting #littletoohighonthemselves #justshutupforabit #andotherreasonifeellike