Sauf réduction massive et immédiate des émissions de gaz à effets de serre, nous dépasserons les 1,5°C de réchauffement climatique global dans les 10 ou 20 prochaines années.
Je commence donc ici une petite série pour que l'on réalise bien de quoi il est question, quelles sont les conséquences de ce #dépassement, et également pour qu'on ne puisse pas venir ensuite nous raconter qu'on n'avait pas suffisamment prévenu.
RT @PIK_Climate
PIK scientist Nico Wunderling's latest study on #tippingpoints & #overshooting #climate targets is featured on the #cover of the 2023 January
@NatureClimate edition - congrats 👏
#tippingpoints #overshooting #climate #cover
PIK scientist Nico Wunderling's latest study on #tippingpoints & #overshooting #climate targets is featured on the #cover of the 2023 January edition - congrats 👏
#tippingpoints #overshooting #climate #cover
PIK scientist Nico Wunderling's latest study on #tippingpoints & #overshooting #climate targets is featured on the #cover of the 2023 January @Nature Climate Change edition - congrats 👏
#tippingpoints #overshooting #climate #cover
Temporarily #overshooting the #climate targets of 1.5-2C could increase the #tippingrisk of several Earth system elements by more than 70%. PIK scientist Nico Wunderling explains key finding of new #tippingpoints study short & to the point.
#overshooting #climate #tippingrisk #tippingpoints
Temporarily #overshooting the #climate targets of 1.5-2C could increase the #tippingrisk of several Earth system elements by more than 70%. PIK scientist Nico Wunderling explains key finding of new #tippingpoints study short & to the point.
#overshooting #climate #tippingrisk #tippingpoints
The Triangle of #Sadness – #Polycrisis : The major central banks are trying to bring the #supplyshock - driven #inflation down by #overshooting key interest rates at any cost. (BTW: Why has the #Fed become the “only game in town”?)
#sadness #PolyCrisis #supplyshock #Inflation #overshooting #fed
Given the current climate politics in #Germany and other economically privileged countries, what would even give HOPE that an #OVERSHOOTING could possibly be only TEMPORARILY?
Remember that #GHGEmissions are still rising instead of sinking
#GlobalHeating #climatefailure #tippingpoints #climateemergency
#germany #overshooting #ghgemissions #globalheating #climatefailure #tippingpoints #climateemergency