Gorgeous article in the largest Polish newspaper #wyborcza about an #AmateurMathematician (medical) dr Gąsior digging into the #einstein tiling. It reminds me of #OverTheBoard #chess players analysing positions with more insight than players who strongly rely on working with a computer. I believe that fostering such skills is essential and should be celebrated. A #wholesome observation: if you are laying tiles on a bathroom floor then it really matters if you have to use the mirror reflection of the tiles because one side will be smooth and the other side will have a ragged texture. This might seem goofy, but the overall discussion was sharp and energizing e.g. you can subdivide the einstein tile into other polygons when it becomes, once again, a 'multistein' tiling.
#wholesome #chess #overtheboard #einstein #amateurmathematician #wyborcza