The #Overton window of acceptable debate in respect of #ApartheidIsrael is moving fast!
“Liberal #Zionists hit rock bottom on faith that #Israel will redeem itself” by Philip #Weiss in @mondoweiss
“For years the liberal Zionist position was, We stand with the better angels of Israel’s nature, Israel will redeem itself. And all they’ve gotten for that good faith is militant #JewishSupremacy.
Now that’s changing. American liberal Zionists are turning on Israel, thanks to the arrogance and extremism of the #Netanyahu government. They are denouncing #Israeli “#apartheid” and calling for boycotts and sanctions against Israel for its human rights abuses.”
[Rhetorical question: If even liberal Zionists are starting to acknowledge that Israel is an #Apartheid state & to call for Boycott Disinvestment & Sanctions (#BDS) to be enforced by the #US against #Netanyahu’s #NeoFascist regime, will the #IHRA definition of #AntiSemitism now quickly be revised to remove ‘criticism of the state of Israel’ from that definition?]
#overton #apartheidisrael #zionists #israel #weiss #jewishsupremacy #netanyahu #israeli #apartheid #bds #us #neofascist #ihra #antisemitism
#EAS for Fentress, #TN; #Overton, #TN; #Pickett, #TN: National Weather Service: A FLASH #FLOOD WARNING is in effect for this area until 6:15 PM CDT. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Source: NWS Nashville TN** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#tnwx #EAS #tn #overton #pickett #flood
#EAS for Fentress, #TN; #Overton, #TN; #Pickett, #TN: National Weather Service: A FLASH #FLOOD WARNING is in effect for this area until 6:15 PM CDT. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Source: NWS Nashville TN** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #tn #overton #pickett #flood
#EAS for Fentress, #TN; #Overton, #TN; #Pickett, #TN: National Weather Service: A FLASH #FLOOD WARNING is in effect for this area until 3:15 PM CDT. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Source: NWS Nashville TN** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #tn #overton #pickett #flood
Oui mais les drones ne porteront pas d'armes. Jamais.
Pas d'armes létales.
Ou alors la décision de tir sera prise par un humain. Toujours.
Sauf exception, quand les algorithmes auront fait leurs preuves.
Et là vous serez bien contents que le drone vous reconnaisse
comme étant une personne raisonnable et honnête.
Ne nous remerciez pas...
PPL au Sénat pour « un choc de compétitivité en faveur de la #fermeFrance ». Putain, j’avais raté ça ! merci à @sfoucart d’en parler, et pour son analyse des objectifs idéologiques de ce délire. La « lettre au Père Noël de la FNSEA » pour élargir la fenêtre d’#Overton, c’est exactement ça ! Le clientélisme du Sénat c’est dramatique, j’ai honte pour eux.
Genius status should be awarder for NOT blowing stuff up
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#elon #elonmusk #twitter #window #overton #dragon #amazon #rich #hoarding
#elon #elonmusk #twitter #window #overton #dragon #amazon #rich #hoarding
As a neutral party Cleown only promotes right wing ideals
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#elon #elonmusk #twitter #window #overton #rightwing #shift #neutral
#elon #elonmusk #twitter #window #overton #rightwing #shift #neutral
Walkers Are Welcome Town - Overton
Overton is a is a pretty village with many nice eateries and pubs, enjoying good public transport links. It offers a variety of rural walks over easy and medium terrain which can be unusual in a country location. The walks vary from 1.8 miles to over 10 miles for those who love to stride out. We have walks that are buggy, wheelchair and dog friendly in a relaxed unhurried landscape.
#walkersarewelcome #overton #health #wellbeing
Florian Rötzer (Interview) #overton “#AliceSchwarzer: ‘Auf der politischen Seite hat man noch nicht das ganze Ausmaß der Gefahr verstanden’ – Im Gespräch über das Manifest, das politische Klima im Land, kriegerische Frauen und die geforderte Abgrenzung nach rechts.”
Der Ex-Brigadegeneral, Erich Vad, über die Kriegssituation, das Manifest und die Notwendigkeit der Diplomatie. Im Online-Magazin „#Overton“ spricht er darüber, warum er den „Aufstand für Frieden“ unterstützt.
Man muss den Artikel schon sehr genau lesen, um seinen Unterstellungen, falschen Behauptungen und fehlenden Definitionen auf die Schliche zu kommen.
Schade, dass Franz Alt dieses Interview einfach übernommen hat. Kritiklos.
#Absurdities and #repetition move the #Overton window.
#absurdities #repetition #overton
Moving the #Overton window, one cat at a time...
Regression to the Mean
Walkers are Welcome Town - Overton
Overton Walkers are Welcome identified a new circular route after getting permission from the Landowner to walk on the land.
The first walk took place, and everyone agreed it was a very enjoyable walk. They say they will do this again - hopefully a permissive path can be agreed!
#WalkersAreWelcome #Overton #Hampshire #RightsOfWay #PermissivePath #Walking
#walkersarewelcome #overton #Hampshire #rightsofway #permissivepath #walking
Le slide avec les solutions. La première « nationalisation des moyens de production »
Ça n’est pas un déni de démocratie de refuser un débat public avec des individus qui ne respectent ni les droits de l’homme, ni l’importance du consensus scientifique. C’est même dangereux de considérer qu’ils ont une quelconque place à jouer dans ce débat : fenêtre d'#Overton
#Shaarli Il ne faut jamais débattre avec l’extrême-droite | by Nicolas Galita | Dépenser, repenser | Medium
Un bon rappel... #Brandolini #Overton