The Tyee: Why Did Danielle Smith Block Alberta’s Renewable Energy? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #AlbertaPremierRalphKlein #MarkhamHislopEnergiMedia #UnitedConservativeParty #CarrieTaitGlobeandMail #AidanHollisEconomist #DefendAlbertaParks #CanadaPensionPlan #TakeBackAlberta #Overtonwindow #Moratorium #LisaYoung
#BCNews #TheTyee #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #primeministerjustintrudeau #albertapremierralphklein #markhamhislopenergimedia #UnitedConservativeParty #carrietaitglobeandmail #aidanholliseconomist #defendalbertaparks #canadapensionplan #takebackalberta #overtonwindow #moratorium #lisayoung
@paninid @slcw
🥥 Yes, flooding the zone, playing the refs, moving the #OvertonWindow, hail Mary passes, and Gish galloping are a few more maneuvers we can expect from the rabid right and its putative head in the coming days and months, Sampath. 🥥
@Loukas No, it doesn't. Far more voters in Britain really care very strongly about the #ClimateEmergency than are annoyed about #ULEZ. Far more voters in Britain are sympathetic to #Trans rights than are hostile.
The thing is that while #Labour are desperately trying to jump through the #OvertonWindow, the #Tories are rapidly moving it to the right.
#tories #overtonwindow #labour #trans #ULEZ #climateemergency
@malteengeler Agreed. #GDPR is only "groundbreaking" as the first privacy law to create public awareness of what *can* be done for #privacy and #DataPrivacy at the government level. Much like The Affordable Care Act, it should be seen as a step in the right direction, not the end goal for the issue.
The problem is that the #OvertonWindow has shifted so far and the world gone to such shit that even many on the #Left are accepting diluted stopgaps instead of real solutions.
#gdpr #privacy #dataprivacy #overtonwindow #left
Über #Thüringen (und anderswo auch) gäbe es eine Story zu erzählen über das Ausnutzen des #OvertonWindow durch die Konservativen, über Pandemie, Querdenken und Querfronten. Es ist kein Wunder, dass die #noAfD am Ende blendend dasteht, wenn von links wie von rechts dieselben antidemokratischen Narrative vertreten werden.
#thuringen #overtonwindow #noafd
To get people out of cars, it's absolutely to get the elderly on bicycles. I'm not talking about people in their 90s; but getting the 50-to-80s cadre cycling will change society. It will end forever the image of the cyclist as an arrogant young man, and make cycling obviously what it is: functional, sensible, the most essential way to save our climate, and to save our health #Cycling #Age #OvertonWindow
Rather than an #AssaultWeaponBan which only plays well with people who watch MSNBC 23 hours a day and has zero chance of ever working even if enacted, IMO push to license gun ownership: require training/insurance like driving a car. Double down on the #WellRegulated bit. It still won't pass but it shifts the #OvertonWindow realistically.
#GunRegulation #GOP #2A #California #Constitution
#GavinNewsom wants 28th Amendment for guns in U.S. Constitution - POLITICO
#assaultweaponban #wellregulated #overtonwindow #gunregulation #gop #2a #california #constitution #gavinnewsom
One example: Does anyone seriously think Biden would have proposed a single dollar of student debt relief if Elizabeth Warren hadn't been hammering on it for YEARS? Warren and politicians like her literally changed the conversation on student debt. It's a plain-as-day example of moving the #OvertonWindow leading to real policy changes that benefit real people.
#USPol #politics
#overtonwindow #uspol #politics
Honestly, professed #liberals who show no understanding of what the #OvertonWindow is or why it's important or why we need politicians in the party pulling the party to the left are so, so tiring.
Why is it so hard for some people to understand that the "center" they're so fond of wouldn't exist if it weren't for the "extremist" #Democrats in #Congress they spend so much time and energy attacking?
#USPol #politics
#liberals #overtonwindow #democrats #congress #uspol #politics
Wie #cducsu und #FDP der #AfD helfen
"Die AfD steht so gut da wie seit fünf Jahren nicht. Nach zehn Jahren hat sie sich etablieren können und den Diskurs nach rechts verschoben - auch dank Union und der Liberalen."
#OvertonWindow #DieBrandmauerExisitiertNicht
#lesenswert #diebrandmauerexisitiertnicht #overtonwindow #afd #fdp #cducsu
Fair enough.
Whatever labels we want to use, many fundamental parts of our civilization are unfair. Some people have too little, others too much.
Corporate-owned conservatives and corporate-owned liberals use the corporate-owned media to keep the #OvertonWindow focused on neoliberal "market based" approaches, which only address symptoms and never try to end the core unfairness.
Things will continue to get gradually worse until it all collapses.
We Need to Talk About Reactionary Centrists
Sympathizing with the right while punching left is not the neutral position pundits seem to think it is.
This article by @aaronhuertas is an excellent explanation for some of the commentary laden with shibboleths and dog-whistling you may have seen leaking into Mastodon from other platforms lately.
#reactionarycentrists #overtonwindow
@RussCheshire absolutely agree. Reform of the monarchy, House of Lords and electoral reform (get rid of FPTP) should be things someone standing on a Labour platform should be able to articulate. It shows how far the #OvertonWindow has shifted to the Right that Lewis’ comments seem radical within his own party.
The long term effect of voting for the ‘lesser evil’. The #OvertonWindow shifts ever further to the Right…
Be honest, now, if you were asked what the BIGGEST IDEA you could come up with for dealing with climate change, would your number one be “stop burning fossil fuel”, or “guerrilla gardening”?
Every time I point out this inevitability-denialism, “reasonable” people respond, saying, “You’re over-reacting. The science says we’re headed for at least <insert latest figure> degree warming, so it’s actually a responsible thing to talk about how to prepare for it”.
To which I reply, “Absolutely. Now, tell me, reasonable person: in the face of a global epidemic, would your first advice to people be about obtaining the CURE, or to tell them the best ways to deal with the SYMPTOMS? Or, to put it another way, if your house is on fire, do you instruct people on how to use a firehose, or how to toast marshmallows?”
Any article that purports to be about “adapting” to climate change that doesn’t start with “but the first, and possibly only thing we must do is to stop it getting any worse,” isn’t really trying to help at all. It’s fossil-fuel propaganda about INEVITABILITY. It’s not encouraging hope, it’s trying to extinguish it, because our only hope is to STOP this change, not “adapt” to it with guerrilla gardening.
#ClimateChange #ClimateDenial #TheGuardian #ThisIsNotJournalism #OvertonWindow
#climatechange #climatedenial #theguardian #Thisisnotjournalism #overtonwindow
Of all forms of climate denialism, this is the most insidious, and it does The Guardian very little credit to simultaneously tag it “Climate Crisis” and then amplify its message. It’s INEVITABILITY denialism.
This is an example of the latest step in a long line of fossil-fuel PR attacks on climate change.
They go, roughly:
1. There is no climate change
2. The data are wrong
3. We’re not heating up we’re cooling down
4. If we’re heating up, it’s just a cycle
5. Humans haven’t caused this cycle
6. If humans have contributed, it’s just a fraction
7. Look, we’ve painted our logo green, and you should stop using plastic straws, it’s all because of your footprint
…and finally
8. Well, we can’t avoid it, it’s inevitable, here’s how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse
This is a “zombie apocalypse” article. Its sole purpose (other than promoting the author’s profile and books) is to rapidly move the Overton window from “perhaps we really should do something” to “oh, it’s too late, all we can do now is build barricades against the zombies”.
How do I know?
Because in a 1,000 word essay on climate change, the words “stop burning fossil fuel” never appear. The words “guerrilla gardening” do, however, which is a dead giveaway that all this arm-waving about “hope” and “determination” is really a message about INEVITABILITY.
🧵 …
#ClimateChange #ClimateDenial #TheGuardian #ThisIsNotJournalism #OvertonWindow
#climatechange #climatedenial #theguardian #Thisisnotjournalism #overtonwindow
As a former mainstream reporter, I am constantly shocked and appalled by the way MSM is now actively moving the #OvertonWindow for authoritarian overthrow of democracy. It's as if the media moguls want to leave a space for their survival post-coup so aren't telling it like it is. This never would have happened pre-Craigslist when media was profitable.
@joshsternberg #NewYorkTimes continues to actively move the #OvertonWindow for (i.e. normalize) an authoritarian overthrow of democracy
Interesting, though only time will tell I guess. Headline:
• "Twitter 'hate speech' has not
increased under Musk".
I'm also interested in how "#Twitter's #OvertonWindow" moved/moves with regard to #politics and especially any lurch to the right.
#politics #overtonwindow #twitter