Michael Barry has created a vector map to display the datasets released by the Overture Maps Foundation.
This is the first time I've seen the ways in the dataset - great to see cycleways are in there! Also interesting to see how Microsoft and OSM buildings are interleaved - OSM buildings have the priority where I've checked.
#openstreetmap #overturemapsfoundation #omf #cycling #geospatial #overture #gis #maps #map
#openstreetmap #overturemapsfoundation #omf #cycling #geospatial #overture #gis #maps #map
Overture Places are quite disappointing at the moment based on a quick scan of my local area. May have been a mistake to release early without more QA or perhaps this is an alpha to gain feedback. #overturemaps #overturemapsfoundation #OSM https://bdon.github.io/overture-tiles/places.html#16.64/-33.882274/151.205331
#overturemaps #overturemapsfoundation #osm
A worldwide slippy map of the Overture POI dataset by @bdon
#overture #overturemapsfoundation #omf #openstreetmap #protomaps
#overture #overturemapsfoundation #omf #openstreetmap #protomaps
Overture Maps Foundation rilascia il suo primo set di dati cartografici aperti a livello mondiale
#overturemapsfoundation #omf #openmaps
La Overture Maps Foundation (OMF) ha annunciato il rilascio del suo primo set di mappe open e gratuite.
#overturemapsfoundation #OMF #openmaps
> the Overture data format which provides consistent segmentation of the data and a linear reference system to support additions of data such as speed limits or real-time traffic
Interested to see how the Overture Maps Foundation's linear reference system supports data interoperability: https://docs.overturemaps.org/themes/transportation/#geometric-scoping-linear-referencing
It reminds me of the https://sharedstreets.io/ system (MIT license).
#openstreetmap #overturemapsfoundation #omf #openstreetmap #sharestreets @Techmeme
#openstreetmap #overturemapsfoundation #omf #sharestreets
We're thrilled to see the #OvertureMapsFoundation taking action to empower businesses with the data they need to grow! #Meta #Microsoft #AWS #TomTom have come together to provide 59M "points of interest," setting the stage for a new era of innovation. Hats off to them for their commitment to progress! #DataDonation http://www.techmeme.com/230726/p31#a230726p31
#overturemapsfoundation #meta #microsoft #aws #tomtom #datadonation
Esri announced as new member of Overture Maps Foundation https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230206005548/en/Esri-Joins-the-Overture-Maps-Foundation-to-Help-Build-Interoperable-Open-Map-Data and https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-living-atlas/announcements/esri-joins-overture-maps-foundation/
Eyebrows raised in the open data and open source communities
#overturemapsfoundation #esri #opendata
The link is giving me a 404, but I saw this in my RSS feed this morning. As soon as I heard about the whole #OvertureMapsFoundation thing, I just knew it was only a matter of time before #Esri got on board with it.
The announcement of the https://overturemaps.org/ #OvertureMapsFoundation has gotten me and many other #OpenStreetMap contributors concerned: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/overturemaps-org-big-businesses-osmf-alternative/6760 It seems big tech companies want more control over maps then the OpenStreetMap community made up of individuals, public bodies and private companies can provide. Maps are an important public good, so we have to maintain access to use and improve maps to all. Let's see how this develops.
#openstreetmap #overturemapsfoundation
"#Overture is intended to be complementary to OSM. We combine OSM with other sources to produce new open #mapdata sets. Overture data will be available for use by the #OpenStreetMap community under compatible #opendata licenses"
#OvertureMapsFoundation FAQ https://overturemaps.org/resources/faq
#Overture #mapdata #openstreetmap #opendata #overturemapsfoundation
Ein Konsortium soll neue offene Kartendaten sammeln und fĂĽr Kartendienste bereitstellen. Die #OpenStreetMap wird nur ein Teil davon.
Die #LinuxFoundation hat die GrĂĽndung des Kooperationsprojektes #OvertureMapsFoundation bekanntgegeben. GegrĂĽndet wurde das nicht gewinnorientierte Konsortium von #AmazonWebServices (#AWS), dem #Facebook-Mutterkonzern #Meta, #Microsoft sowie #Tomtom.
#openstreetmap #linuxfoundation #overturemapsfoundation #AmazonWebServices #aws #facebook #meta #microsoft #TOMTOM #opendata #osm
La Linux Foundation annuncia Overture Maps Foundation per creare dati cartografici aperti interoperabili
#linuxfoundation #overturemapsfoundation #maps #opensource
La Linux Foundation ha annunciato la formazione della Overture Maps Foundation, un nuovo sforzo collaborativo per sviluppare dati cartografici aperti interoperabili come risorsa condivisa in grado di rafforzare i servizi di mappatura in tutto il mondo.
#linuxfoundation #overturemapsfoundation #maps #opensource
OpenStreetMap is a thing already but sure, big tech has to yet again go off and reinvent the wheel...
Tech giants band together to set up open-source mapping platform
#OpenStreetMap #overturemapsfoundation
OpenStreetMap is a thing already but sure, big tech has to yet again go off and reinvent the wheel...
Tech giants band together to set up open-source mapping platform
#OpenStreetMap #overturemapsfoundation
Seit 18 Jahren gibt es nun schon #OpenStreetMap, und jetzt fällt den Schlaubergern von #Microsoft, #Amazon, #TomTom und #Meta auf einmal ein, mit der sogenannten #OvertureMapsFoundation einen neuen, gemeinsamen Kartendienst zu etablieren, um damit gegen #GoogleMaps anzutreten.
#googlemaps #overturemapsfoundation #meta #tomtom #amazon #microsoft #openstreetmap
Some of Google’s biggest rivals are coming together with the hopes of creating new open source services to knock Google Maps from its mapping throne https://gadgeteer.co.za/some-of-googles-biggest-rivals-are-coming-together-with-the-hopes-of-creating-new-open-source-services-to-knock-google-maps-from-its-mapping-throne/
#googlemaps #mapping #opensource #overturemapsfoundation #technology
#googlemaps #mapping #opensource #overturemapsfoundation #technology
Some of Google’s biggest rivals are coming together with the hopes of creating new open source services to knock Google Maps from its mapping throne https://gadgeteer.co.za/some-of-googles-biggest-rivals-are-coming-together-with-the-hopes-of-creating-new-open-source-services-to-knock-google-maps-from-its-mapping-throne/
#googlemaps #mapping #opensource #overturemapsfoundation #technology
#googlemaps #mapping #opensource #overturemapsfoundation #technology