The #overuse of the word "theory" always bugged me particularly because it's usually applied sloppily
A report in Nature concluded that we have already exceeded seven of eight “#safe and #just #Earth #systemboundaries” that it studied—from #groundwater supplies and #fertilizer #overuse to #temperature
“We are moving in the wrong direction on basically all of these,” Johan Rockström, the paper’s lead author and the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, told reporters.
#KeepItInTheGround #KeelingCurve
#Sufficiency #Sharing #ParisAligned
#safe #just #earth #systemboundaries #groundwater #fertilizer #overuse #temperature #keepitintheground #keelingcurve #sufficiency #sharing #parisaligned
The world’s largest #lakes are shrinking dramatically and scientists say they have figured out why
These significant bodies of water include the Colorado River’s #LakeMead, which has receded sharply amid a #megadrought and decades of #overuse.
By Laura Paddison, CNN
Published May 18, 2023 4:29 PM EDT
The shrinking of many lakes has been well documented, but the extent of change – and the reasons behind it – have been less thoroughly examined, said Fangfang Yao, the study’s lead author and a visiting scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.
The researchers used satellite measurements of nearly 2,000 of the world’s largest lakes and reservoirs, which together represent 95% of Earth’s total lake water storage.
Examining more than 250,000 satellite images spanning from 1992 to 2020, along with climate models, they were able to reconstruct the history of the lakes going back decades.
The results were “staggering,” the report authors said.
They found that 53% of the lakes and reservoirs had lost significant amounts of water, with a net decline of around 22 billion metric tons a year – an amount the report authors compared to the volume of 17 Lake Meads.
More than half of the net loss of water volume in natural lakes can be attributed to human activities and climate change, the report found.
The report found losses in lake water storage everywhere, including in the humid #tropics and the cold Arctic. This suggests “drying trends worldwide are more extensive than previously thought,” Yao said.
Different lakes were affected by different drivers.
#Unsustainable water consumption is the predominant reason behind the shriveling of the #AralSea in Uzbekistan and California’s #SaltonSea, while changes in rainfall and runoff have driven the decline of the #GreatSaltLake, the report found.
In the #Arctic, lakes have been shrinking due to a combination of changes in temperature, precipitation, evaporation and runoff.
“Many of the human and climate change footprints on lake water losses were previously unknown,” Yao said, “such as the desiccations of #LakeGoodEZareh in Afghanistan and #LakeMarChiquita in Argentina."
#WaterIsLife #WaterWars #Consumption #ClimateCrisis
Read more:
#lakes #lakemead #megadrought #overuse #tropics #unsustainable #aralsea #saltonsea #greatsaltlake #arctic #lakegoodezareh #lakemarchiquita #waterislife #waterwars #consumption #ClimateCrisis
Pro Tip:
If you use more than four hashtags you’re probably overestimating the importance of your post.
#mastodon #protip #hashtag #overuse #whoisgonnasearchforthis #imeanreally
The world is facing an #imminent #WaterCrisis w/ demand expected to outstrip the supply of #FreshWater by 40% by the end of this decade, experts have said at crucial #UN #water summit.
#Governments must urgently #stop #subsidising the #extraction & #overuse of #water through misdirected agricultural subsidies & #industries from #mining to #manufacturing must be made to #overhaul their #wasteful practices, according to a #LandmarkReport on the #economics of water.
#imminent #watercrisis #freshwater #un #water #governments #stop #subsidising #extraction #overuse #industries #mining #manufacturing #overhaul #wasteful #landmarkreport #economics
To folks who seem to mark *all* of their photos as "sensitive content," consider this.
Because so much of the sensitive content really isn't (photos of cute animals do not require a CW or to be flagged as sensitive), I just indiscriminately click on all "sensitive content" images.
So, every now and again I'll come across one that really *is* sensitive content and I instantly regret clicking.
Maybe let's not mark everything as sensitive?
#noteverythingissensitive #sensitivecontent #overuse
The Top 100 Global Water Questions - Results Of A Scoping Exercise
-- <-- shared paper
-- <-- related research dataset repository
#global #anthropocene #governances #scopingexercise #SDG6 #WASH #water #sanitation #researchpriorities #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #drought #waterresources #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #economics #politics #political #wateranxiety #utilities #future #opportunity #growth #economy #sustainabledevelopment #health #research #security #safety #food #science #funding #society #appliedscience #ecosystems #ecosystemhealth #freshwater #surfacewater #groundwater #waterquality #pollution #humandevelopment #humanhealth #watercycle #changing #crossdiscipline #crossdisciplines #interdisciplinary #governance #production #UniversityOfLeeds
#global #anthropocene #governances #scopingexercise #sdg6 #wash #water #sanitation #researchpriorities #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #drought #waterresources #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #economics #Politics #political #wateranxiety #utilities #future #opportunity #growth #economy #sustainabledevelopment #Health #research #security #safety #Food #science #funding #society #appliedscience #ecosystems #ecosystemhealth #Freshwater #surfacewater #groundwater #waterquality #pollution #humandevelopment #humanhealth #watercycle #changing #crossdiscipline #crossdisciplines #interdisciplinary #governance #production #universityofleeds
Wall Street Eyes Billions In The Colorado’s Water
-- <-- NYT article
[when speculators get involved, well…]
#water #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #legal #law #share #drought #waterresources #federal #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #coloradoriver #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #ColoradoRiverCompact #USA #westcoast #western #USWest #US #drought #California #Arizona #Colorado #Nevada #NewMexico #Utah #Wyoming #LawOfTheRiver #investors #WallStreet #speculators #economics #politics #wateranxiety #privateinvestors #waterrights #grandfathered #utilities #future #opportunity #growth #economy
#water #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #legal #law #share #drought #waterresources #federal #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #coloradoriver #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #coloradorivercompact #USA #westcoast #western #uswest #us #California #arizona #colorado #nevada #newmexico #utah #wyoming #lawoftheriver #investors #wallstreet #speculators #economics #Politics #wateranxiety #privateinvestors #grandfathered #utilities #future #opportunity #growth #economy
'Law Of The River' Is The Battleground In Colorado River Crisis
-- <-- LA Times news article
-- <-- 1922 Colorado River Compact
#water #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #legal #law #share #drought #waterresources #federal #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #coloradoriver #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #ColoradoRiverCompact #USA #westcoast #western #USWest #US #drought #California #Arizona #Colorado #Nevada #NewMexico #Utah #Wyoming
#water #hydrology #environmental #climatechange #legal #law #share #drought #waterresources #federal #watermanagement #waterconservation #watercrisis #waterrights #coloradoriver #watersecurity #community #urban #agriculture #irrigation #overuse #overpumping #pumping #coloradorivercompact #USA #westcoast #western #uswest #us #California #arizona #colorado #nevada #newmexico #utah #wyoming
@davej #agree #mastodon #hashtags #overuse #hashtagabuse #iWonderIfThereIsACharacterLimitForHashtags #HashtagSoManyHashtagsAllTheHashtagsHashtagsEverywhereErrorErrorPleaseRestartScreenReader
#hashtagsomanyhashtagsallthehashtagshashtagseverywhereerrorerrorpleaserestartscreenreader #iwonderifthereisacharacterlimitforhashtags #hashtagabuse #overuse #hashtags #Mastodon #agree
I follow this small channel for its coverage of water conditions on the Colorado/West.
#GreatSaltLake ain’t looking good. #economics of #climatechange and #overuse
#greatsaltlake #economics #climatechange #overuse
ClientEarth Europe:
"2/3 of #Europe’s #SurfaceWater bodies and 1/4 of #groundwater bodies fail to reach the legally binding objectives of the WFD - air emissions, in particular of mercury, are affecting 31% of the #EU’s #surface waters.
When the exception becomes the rule – #Overuse of exemptions from reaching the objectives of the #Water Framework Directive due to #CoalMining and #combustion
(24 Nov 2022)
#europe #surfacewater #groundwater #eu #surface #overuse #water #coalmining #combustion
#UN criticised over statement on #overuse of #antibiotics in #farming | #Environment | The Guardian
Perpetuating a really bad idea.
#un #overuse #antibiotics #farming #environment #agriculture #antibioticresistance #bigfarma
Does anyone know if I can run #mastodon on a #raspi
(I haven't used #hashtags in ages, and at this point im too scared to #ask how they work, so I'm going to #overuse them inthe vague hopes of making you think there use is a #joke)
#overuse #joke #mastodon #raspi #mastodondev #hashtags #ask