#HalfPanHerbGarden update: radish sprouts! #Radish #sprouts! Also the basil appears to be trying to revive itself so I am going to let it do its thing. And did I mention RADISH SPROUTS? #indoorgardening #overwinter #ediblegarnish
#halfpanherbgarden #radish #sprouts #indoorgardening #overwinter #ediblegarnish
First time attempting to #overwinter a pepper plant. This one is a Shishito that produced fairly well in its first year in my #garden
Hoping it will be a big producer this spring. Time to pot it up and keep it warm inside.
#HalfPanHerbGarden update: almost December and everything is still alive! Thyme is surprisingly the #herb that is thriving least, cilantro still going. Considering adding another container with something, radishes maybe? #indoorgardening #overwinter
#halfpanherbgarden #herb #indoorgardening #overwinter
Putting away the winter garden soon. This picture shows orange marigolds, winter radishes & carrots in a raised bed. Also a lot of weeds, sorry! There are wire hoops in place that will hold up agricultural fabric. Two layers are usually enough to keep tough plants alive. I'm not expecting the marigolds to #overwinter but I love them so they get to stay.