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'Setting Out'

This piece is meant to depict the humble beginnings of a long journey. The piano intro is meant to be the early morning before the adventure begins, the sun cresting above the mountains in the distance over a small village in the valley, where sunbeams stream through the window of the protagonist's room. Then, they start out on the road on their long journey.

🎵​Full song on my YouTube channel: youtube.com/watch?v=fKi-TXK0-O


#composer #gamedev #gamemusic #vgm #classicalmusic #musician #Fantasy #fantasymusic #videogamemusic #animation #animationmusic #gameaudio #orchestra #music #melodystories #melody #cinematicstudio #vst #overworld #theme #rpg #jrpg #jrpgmusic #rpgmusic #piano #pianist #pianomusic #instrumental #musicproduction

Last updated 2 years ago

'Dragon of the Sacred Grove'

Here's a short trailer I made for my album 'Relics of Aeternum: Dragonsoul Chronicle'. I released this and two other teasers before the album released using close-up pans of the album art.

In addition to writing the music for this album, I also wrote a short story and created a map for the realm in which the story takes place.

If you happen to check it out, I hope you enjoy it.

❧ Find everything for 'Relics of Aeternum: Dragonsoul Chronicle' here: hollandalbright.com/relicsofae


#relicsofaeternum #dragonsoulchronicle #dragon #castle #fantasyart #composer #gamedev #gamemusic #vgm #classicalmusic #musician #Fantasy #fantasymusic #videogamemusic #animation #animationmusic #gameaudio #orchestra #music #melody #piano #pianist #pianomusic #trumpet #cinematicstudio #vst #daw #overworld #theme #rpg #dndmusic #dnd

Last updated 2 years ago