Le #Cloud est vaste: de l'IA, du machine learning expliqués simplement par @wildagsx, aux logiciels pour surveiller et limiter les coûts du ☁️ grâce à l'introduction du Finops @jlandure au @Cloud_Alpes
#CloudAlpes #Cloudproviders #AWS #GCP #Azure #Scaleway #OVHcloud #Exoscale
#exoscale #ovhcloud #scaleway #azure #gcp #aws #cloudproviders #cloudalpes #cloud
Just purchased my new side project's #domain via #OVHCloud, as it's a .pt domain hack and they're the substantially cheapest .pt registrar.
Initial impressions of #OVH: not great, and definitely not inspiring any confidence that I should use them as anything more than a cheap route into the .pt domain registry. #DomainHacks #PT #DNS
#domain #ovhcloud #ovh #domainhacks #pt #dns
If you need good reasons to stay away from #ovh's public cloud (#ovhcloud), here's a few non-obvious ones:
- billing hour starts at full hour of real time. If you start your machine at 19:47 and stop it at 20:30, you'll be billed for TWO full hours.
- you're billed for actually usable instance and in creating/shelving/unshelving state
- shelving/unshelving is dead slow, 30GB image takes 30+ minutes to unshelve. and you pay for that time.
Another day and another painful reminder that #SharedHosting can be cheap but so variable. I suspect the host I'm on for a #OVH #OVHCloud #VPS is being hammered by another customer or customers leaving no resources for my query to be returned within the timeout. I also suspect the problem won't be there in an hour or two whenever the other workload has finished.
#sharedhosting #ovh #ovhcloud #vps
So if you need a hourly-billed instance - STAY AWAY FROM #ovhcloud. They will overbill you, their datacenter will go up in smoke, or your instance won't work and nobody would care.
Shelving and unshelving instance occupying ~30GB takes 30-50 minutes, so that would equal to one or two extra hours - but one cannot assume that outright because nowhere is stated that they bill (or don't bill) for that.
But since they haven't responded to my ticket in any reasonable fashion... I'm just gonna assume I got scammed by #ovhcloud.
So what happened with my #ovhcloud ticket? NOTHING. My post on the OVH COMMUNITY didn't appear either.
That leads me to idea that they're actually overbilling me.
Hanlon's razor tells me to assume that they assumed that I'm another braindead moron which can't read their docs and/or tries to scam them, so they're actively ignoring me, not even reviewing the ticket.
Other possibility is that they bill ALSO for the time instance is in shelving/unshelving state.
If someone asks me again why I don't recommend #OVHCloud when you're not seasoned admin/devops who just want to use their resources and nothing else, I have a proof now, Support ticket created two days ago, 16 manhours passed and no human even acknowledged its existence.
On a visité un datacenter français nouvelle génération : polluer moins pour gagner plus :
#ovhcloud #serveur #watercooling
@gabek my company (#ovhcloud) has open positions. Not a lot in Germany it appears but you can always try to contact the recruiters 😊
The development teams mostly work with #golang and #python. We have some #perl legacy we’re working to migrate off too.
I suggest taking a look at French opportunities, this could help you determine whether the job is for you. You’ll need to translate them though.
#ovhcloud #golang #python #perl
Le fondateur d'#OVHCloud en négociations pour reprendre #Qwant
Le fondateur de #OVHcloud négocie le rachat du moteur de recherche #Qwant : https://is.gd/Qoe3rF
Le genre d'interface utilisateur pourrie.
Je dois saisir le 2007-04-01 dans ce champ date d'anniversaire d'un formulaire de changement de propriétaire sur un domaine chez #OVHcloud
Impossible d'y accéder par le clavier sans l'affichage du calendrier par #Safari 16.3 de #Apple.
Rien ne laisse supposer que je puisse le faire sans cliquer 192 fois sur la flèche à gauche du mois/année.
En conjuguant leurs forces, l’#APHP et #OVHcloud vont co-développer des briques logicielles d'entrepôts de données de santé qui seront mises en open source.