R to @frances_hui: The least that the international community can do is to advocate for the release of political prisoners in Hong Kong and alleviate their suffering. Say their names, #JimmyLai #JoshuaWong #OwenChow; raise their public profiles & put pressure on the CCP to release them. 10/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/frances_hui/status/1658834627480502283#m
#jimmylai #joshuawong #owenchow
One of the 16 of the #NSL47 who plead not guilty is #OwenChow. His admin posted this message from him today (he’s on remand). He says one must “seize the opportunity to say what you believe & practice the justice in your heart.” https://www.facebook.com/100053467633543/posts/pfbid0MXvVgXHjB6xgw8HLwKf3yZy5sKTw7Vk6hGS8Rwc6yxWXw9wKg6i9Q9cXsoxktecvl/?mibextid=cr9u03 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1622456347005526016#m
Ahead of his 90-day National Security Law trial alongside other 46 pro-democracy activists, #OwenChow wrote: 「漫長的等待,案件終於開審。過去兩個月,作為選擇不認罪的被告之一,抗辯的預備工作與壓力也是與日俱增。雖然稱不上是萬全準備,但至少已是能力範圍內做到最好。… https://nitter.hongkongers.net/jooeysiiu/status/1622453728782467073#m