Är Norge undantaget bland petrostaterna?
Jag läser Owen Matthews essärecension om fyra böcker om Ryssland. ((Owen Matthews, "Winning on the home front: The triumph of the Kremlin propaganda machine", TLS 26 maj, 11-13.)) Det är en intressant recension. Men när han diskuterar Alexander Etkind, Russia against modernity, b
#Politik:Ryssland #AlexanderEtkind #OwenMatthews #petrostater #Ryssland #Ukraina
#ukraina #ryssland #petrostater #owenmatthews #alexanderetkind #Politik
Review: Overreach: The Inside Story of Putin and Russia’s War Against Ukraine, by Owen Matthews
This is a brilliant book. Owen Matthews, a veteran journalist covering Russia, tells the story of the run-up to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and the months that followed.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/3FZSOxN
#overreach #Books #Ukraine #owenmatthews