Missing Link: Offener Web-Index soll Europa bei der Suche unabhängig machen
Mit der von der EU geförderten Entwicklung eines Open Web Index wollen Forscher die Dominanz von Google & Co. brechen und das menschliche Wissen verbreitern.
#SearchEngine #eu #OWI #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #OWSAI #OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure #OpenWebSearch #Suma #OSF #Serci #StormCrawler
Ferner #Gigablast #FindX #Quaero #Theseus #CommonCrawls
#searchengine #eu #owi #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #OWSAI #OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure #openwebsearch #suma #osf #serci #StormCrawler #gigablast #findx #quaero #Theseus #commoncrawls
《当我们不再理解世界》的写法好玩,看似漫不经心或极其自然地编织一些史实让它们成为故事或呈现故事的效果,好像冥冥中的因果关系持久流动在人间,以此达到震慑人心的效果。事实上这整个动作正是 plotting 呀。千万别忘了在读虚构(作者自己在后记中都强调了这一点),一忘了就真容易陷进文本+史实给人留下的天道轮回之熊熊震撼中了。#OWI
The night before big family holidays in the US are bad nights for car accidents caused by alcohol and drug use. If you think you can handle driving under the influence, take a look at this photo from a response I had to an alcohol-related accident. (CW: it shows a mangled vehicle but no people involved.)
Have fun, have a few drinks, share an edible… but if you are enjoying life in the place that you aren’t going to end up at the end of the night? Get a taxi or have a DD. Otherwise your ride home might be in a helicopter like mine to a trauma center. #Alcohol #Drugs #OWI #DUI #DesignatedDriver
#alcohol #drugs #owi #dui #designateddriver
"For the https://OpenWebSearch.EU initiative, 14 European Research Centers have joined forces to develop an open European infrastructure for web search. With the EU project the initiative will be contributing to Europe’s digital sovereignty as well as promoting an open human-centered search engine market."
(Check News Section for more articles about it).
#SearchEngine #eu #OWI #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #OWSAI #OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure
#OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure #OWSAI #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #owi #eu #searchengine
Won my case today! Made a bunch of mistakes along the way, but that just means I’ll learn how to make different and more complex mistakes next time! #law #prosecution #lawstodon #municipal #OWI
#owi #municipal #lawstodon #prosecution #law
Der OPEN-WEB-INDEX (OWI) ist ein Konzept für eine offene digitale #Infrastruktur.
Wir haben verstanden
Der #digitale Raum hat sich anders entwickelt, als wir dachten.
Statt #Offenheit erkennen wir immer mehr #Zonen und #Zäune.
Statt transparenten Kriterien verdeckte Geschäftsmodelle.
Statt disruptiver Innovation Plattformökonomie und die Dominanz des Stärksten.
#index #suche #infrastruktur #digitale #offenheit #zonen #zäune #internet #opendata #owi