Dang I got a cut on my dominant hand’s birdie finger 🩹🖕☹️ sorry for flipping you off it hurt me more than you #birdieFinger #owie
Sigh. This is what happens when a cat is sitting peacefully in a lap, and then suddenly EXPLODES for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. I guess a molecule startled her or something. The picture isn't all that gory, just a 60 year old white inner thigh with some bruising and scratches. #injury #cat #owie
As luck 🍀 (?) would have it, follow up X-rays 🩻 showed a fracture after all. 6+ weeks in da boot. #imaklutz #oncrutches #owie
Fell down and broke my head. Hate that. Don’t do it.
Yay broken hand! #BrokenBones #Fracture #owie #injured
#injured #owie #fracture #brokenbones
Officially feel old! I took a header walking out my front door to take the pups out. Stevie and Calvin are fine they had the smarts to get out of the way of the tumbling man. #owie
@rangerwinslow - It's amazing. He could barely sit his hip joints hurt so bad. Awful to watch! Now he just eases down and sits easily and rises with much much less effort. WHEW. Some say dogs don't have feelings, I say BS! I can SEE his relief. #Owie #MakeItStopDaddy #TheBoy
#owie #makeitstopdaddy #theboy
Ach. I just hacked into my finger with the bread-knife. Not only did it take ages to stop bleeding but there's drops of blood all over the kitchen. :blobcat_bandage:
Fortunately, I am ambitypestrous.
#owie #thecaseoftheknifeinthekitchen
My OneWheel just stopped mid-ride just now; yeeted me right off. Simultaneously got a notification on my phone “Your OneWheel needs rebooting…”
I mean, thanks I guess. Anybody ever seen this?
Well the plan before I knew the vest was coming was to repierce my left nipple. Nipple piercings are so hard to keep. Especially when you sleep on your side (IMO). Here goes try two. :) #shiny #nipples #gayLeather #piercing #owie
Also this is the last try...nipple piercing hurts ... Like BDSM card earned I believe lol. Is that a purple flag or a dark pink? *Shrugs ... Then winces*
#shiny #nipples #gayleather #piercing #owie
The problem with cooking in a scorching oven is the opportunities this creates to scorch oneself. #owie
Picked up the rebuilt engine and carbs today for my motorcycle. Lost a layer of skin on my thumb from the motor mount when we dropped it off so I think my literal blood sacrifice should help it get running again. Also banged my knee really hard so I’m drinking our hard cider to kill the pain. #owie https://mastodon.social/media/SaNGR5vRZSl2rtlRP2I