Just fed the birds … before I could finish climbing the stairs to the deck, the Galahs were in da house …
#bird #birdsseenin2023 #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #ownpics #ngunnawalcountry
We had a rare visitor today to the garden today - a Corella.
They normally live about ten clicks north of us around the lake, but at this time of year they fly down to trim the street trees. I assume they get some sustenance as well, but all you see is trimmings of the leafy extremities around the base of the tree (if they are not actively haunting the tree itself at the time).
Anyway, here is a Corella waiting it’s turn to have some seed on the bird feeder.
#bird #birdsseenin2023 #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #ownpics #ngunnawalcountry
I put out the #dinosaur food a few moments ago and before I could walk up the stairs to the deck, a Galah flew in while I was just under 2 metres away. I stopping to tell it what a brave bird it was being when a horde more flew in.
They were nice enough to stay around while I got some snaps
#dinosaur #bird #birdsseenin2023 #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #ownpics #ngunnawalcountry
Regent parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) watches the sky carefully above the Murray River at Robinvale in NW Victoria, Australia, indicating that a predator is in the area. A short time later, we spotted the source of the parrot's concern... a black kite (Milvus migrans) patrolling overhead (second pic). #ownpics #birds #parrots #raptors #BirdPhotography #birdwatching #WildOz #AustralianBirds
#ownpics #birds #parrots #raptors #birdphotography #birdwatching #WildOz #australianbirds
Mitchell River finger deltas / silt jetties #EastGippsland complete with #Vache for the #CouchPeloton
They are my #OwnPics with my signature unhorizontal horizon
So grateful I live in fantastic cosmopolitan Melbourne yet this only half a day's drive away
#eastgippsland #vache #couchpeloton #ownpics