Today marks #OwnTracks birthday, in fact our tenth anniversary. Thanks for your support, and we hope you still enjoy our little project.
If you’ve a moment to spare, do tell us how/what you mainly use OwnTracks for — we’re always interested in user stories!
Hey everyone using @owntracks , I’ve been working on an integrating #OpenHaystack locations to #owntracks. I wrote a piece on the basics for anyone else who wants to try.
So, during this last week I've managed to install OwnTracks in my family's devices and OwnTracks Recorder in my "personal cloud".
With that I'm now able to delete my Google account from my phone forever 🎉, as it was the only functionality I hadn't fulfilled yet with FOSS.
I have also brought back the owntracks-recorder Arch Linux AUR package to life, as it was orphan. Hope anyone can take advantage of it 😊.
#privacy #owntracks #foss #archlinux
Just changed the uuid on an #esphome BLE beacon... I knew it had successfullly deployed when #owntracks told #homeassistant I'd left the room and the lights switched off 😃
#esphome #owntracks #homeassistant
I've had @owntracks installed for a year now and I absolutely love it! Massive kudos to the team and all contributors! ❤️
I would love to be able to change monitoring modes on entering/leaving areas (enter home? less monitoring than if you are away!) but I see no easy way to do so. Has anyone had any luck doing something similar? I could try to do a PR but while I am fairly decent with #kotlin, my #androiddev is kinda rusty...
#kotlin #androiddev #owntracks
Der angekündigte Blogbeitrag über #OwnTracks bei #uberspace ist dann auch online:
Worked out why my #owntracks setup wasn't working well with #mqtt over WebSockets.
Nginx proxy_pass has a default timeout of 60 seconds which is much shorter than the #mqtt keepalive value I was using.
@padeluun @kuketzblog @Nake
@keinehosentragenzwerge @elbast @Nake
Es gäbe auch noch #OwnTracks (
Aber eigentlich bin ich diesbezüglich ganz bei @padeluun
This week was good start towards a more concentrated effort toward self hosting with Radicale for calendar and tasks, Miniflux for RSS feeds and Owntracks for location tracking setup and running nicely.
#miniflux #owntracks #radicale
Weasley Clock For Magically Low Cost #ArduinoHacks #harrypotter #hivemqcloud #3dprinter #owntracks #arduino #weasley #clock #cloud #gears #mqtt
#arduino #mqtt #clock #ArduinoHacks #harrypotter #hivemqcloud #3dprinter #owntracks #weasley #cloud #gears
Weasley Clock For Magically Low Cost - For those unfamiliar with the details of the expansive work of fiction of Harry Po... - #arduinohacks #harrypotter #hivemqcloud #3dprinter #owntracks #arduino #weasley #clock #cloud #gears #mqtt
#mqtt #gears #cloud #clock #weasley #arduino #owntracks #3dprinter #hivemqcloud #harrypotter #arduinohacks
If only the #OwnTracks Android app had the change mode on region feature. It would automate the boring stuff and make integration with #HomeAssistant more meaningful. Feel free to bring this to OwnTracks developers via the issue tracker:
For those interested in #selfhosted applications there is OwnTracks. Akin to Life360.
Run your own server with iOS and Android apps available.
Ich versuche #owntracks via #mqtt mit meinem #iobroker zu verbinden.
Während das unter android fast out-of-the-box funktionierte, ist das mit ios ne echte Herausforderung
I want to share #location data with family members and friends. I don't want to share location data with Google, Garmin or any other companies or people. That's why I have set up #owntracks . Thanks to #ansible the whole setup process is automated #weekend
#location #owntracks #ansible #weekend
@Doudouosm There is #nextcloud map app, which does it with contacts. You can also use the nextcloud Phonetrack app, where users can push their current (device) location via http. Similar is #owntracks
It would probably have been smarter to configure my #owntracks setup before starting our trip instead of two-thirds into it.
FYI anyone considering #owntracks for enhanced privacy and #degoogling
The recorder server bit uses open street map.
The android app uses Google maps, there are plans to change to OSM, but no option yet.
It also does "geocode" (reverse location info? Takes lat long and gives address) using Google.
There is an alternative geocode option, but it isn't free and you can't (currently) turn this feature off.
(A PR has been merged but my current version app doesn't have the option)
well #owntracks is a massive dissapointment.
I'm a fairly technical person, and I'm giving up setting up my own server.
It might well be amazing, but it really needs to be tied together as a service rather than a jumble of technology.
I might, with more time, get a server to work and be secure.
But will I then be able to share my location easily with family and friends without having to set their device up for them? I suspect not (based on what I've seen so far)
Mein #OwnTracks Server ist nicht mehr erreichbar. Also wird diese Reise nicht aufgezeichnet. 🤷🏻♂️