@web3isgreat We at #DCG201 did an entire episode where we tore #Worldcoin to shreds with @FoxCahn and #oxen: https://www.youtube.com/live/z1cBKl1KPf0
Today's poem:
- anonymous ancient Egyptian writer
#poetry #egypt #AncientEgyptian #overseer #oxen #ThreshingFloor #wheat #nile #flood #harvest
#poetry #egypt #ancientegyptian #Overseer #oxen #threshingfloor #wheat #nile #flood #harvest
A group of #oxen is called a team.
A team of oxen.
#TermsOfVenery #AnimalGroupNames #animals #wildlife #nature #english #AnimalGroupingNouns #trivia #fun #words #mammals #ox
#oxen #termsofvenery #animalgroupnames #animals #wildlife #Nature #english #animalgroupingnouns #trivia #fun #words #mammals #ox
How lovely: 'God spede the #plough, & sende us korne enow' - even the #oxen look happy (though the ploughmen less so), and we’re suddenly in the room, sometime in the 1370s, with the #medieval illustrator working on his frontispiece for William Langland's #poem, 'The Vision of Piers Plowman'.
Source: https://mss-cat.trin.cam.ac.uk/Manuscript/R.3.14, f.01v, (c) Trinity College, Cambridge. This ms. is Langland's 1st revision (the B-version) of his original text; more on the versions via https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/piers-plowman.
What is Oxen?
Oxen is a developer platform for privacy tools. Using Oxen's super-powered technology stack, developers and users are finally able to access proper privacy, security, decentralisation, and safety in a myriad of software applications.
Oxen was originally forked from Monero, and it's still based on the CryptoNote protocol.
Oxen overview:
#monero #oxen #session #lokinet
Hey @session , Session IM is running on the #Oxen network, right?
From the docs:
> The non for profit Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation receives a governance reward of 9240 $OXEN every 7 days. This reward is used to pay for development, marketing, and community projects, more information about how the Oxen treasury and governance reward is managed can be found on the OPTF website.
If I am reading this right, this would mean that it is *hard-coded* that OPTF gets this reward.
In other words, if I wanted to use #SessionIM, but for whatever reason had a problem with OPTF's politics or actions or whatever, it would be *impossible* for me to use Session (or, say, a compatible independent client) in a way that would preclude OPTF from getting this "governance reward"?
Am I reading this right?
> Donkeys are an important source of energy in deserts and mountains. A donkey can pull 25 percent of its body weight for seven hours a day. An ox can only pull 18 percent of its body weight for four and a half hours per day. #Donkeys work for 30 years, #oxen for 15. And contrary to popular perception, donkeys are highly intelligent.
#VandanaShiva on replacing he #automobile in #SoilNotOil makes me want to be a contented (not slothful!) #Ocnus making rope and feeding a dear She-Donkey.
#Ocnus #SoilNotOil #automobile #vandanashiva #oxen #donkeys
In that case, I think it’s alright as a #cryptocurrency, since it’s trying to solve a particular problem: that problem being that just anyone can spin up their own relay, and as many as they want for free, like on #Tor. (Aside from the cost of the machines) But requiring an entry fee in the form of these #Oxen tokens ensures that no one has too much control over the #Lokinet network. Unless Lokinet starts treating Oxen as a wannabe currency, I think Oxen is fine.
#cryptocurrency #tor #oxen #lokinet
Sure, you CAN use #Oxen as a currency if you wanted to, or exchange it for a different type of currency, but that’s not what it was designed for. Most cryptocurrencies are absolute garbage. But Oxen is an interesting case. It’s a piece of garbage when it comes down to it being a form of currency. But it was designed for a particular application: that being to prevent no one person from controlling the majority of #Lokinet relay nodes.
@session Honestly, I could care less about the fact that #Lokinet is powered by the #Oxen #cryptocurrency. The reason is because having Lokinet relays require an entry fee to run a node makes it more difficult for an advanced threat actor to take control over a large amount of the nodes. This is why Oxen was created. I could care less about it as a form of currency. To me, I only see Oxen as a “proof of entry token” into the Lokinet relay ecosystem.
#lokinet #oxen #cryptocurrency
@aral FYI Session uses the Oxen blockchain as its database.
Do you have a position in the pro vs. anti blockchain wars?
Where can I read more about opennet in #lokinet https://lokinet.io/opennet.txt ?
Does it work independently?
Is it connected somehow with OFTF?
What is a difference for an end-user: netid=lokinet vs. netid=opennet when it comes to use of lokinet?
My concerns regarding Session are raising.
Recently I restored an account and messages which were supposed to be deleted/disappear appeared on the new device.
They still keep their sites behind #Cloudflare.
They still don't have packages on main repositories.
They're banning people who have concerns about sessions' security.
#cloudflare #session #oxen #lokinet #privacy
EDIT: I retract this statement:
I support reducing the quality of internet connection in russia and belarus namely latency, reliability and speed in this order.
I do not support cutting russia out of the internet fully and stress the importance of access to the onion-routing to bypass any censorship.
#UA #Ukraine #supportUkraine #standWithUkraine #ukraineCrisis #RU #Russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #Tor #OXEN #Lokinet #onionrouting
#ua #ukraine #supportUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ukrainecrisis #ru #russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #tor #oxen #lokinet #onionrouting
RT @nicfab@twitter.com
Session: a blockchain-based messaging app that protects user privacy | NicFab Notes | Our thoughts on #Session app, part of an extremely interesting project with #OPTF and #Oxen https://buff.ly/3GqZ1RH @session_app@twitter.com @Oxen_io@twitter.com @TheOPTF@twitter.com
Stop using #Cloudflare dns resolver. @lokinet 🍻
Oxen.io and getsession.org use Cloudflare as well.😬
#cloudflare #lokinet #oxen #privacy #security #session
suena muy bien, similar a oxen/session/lokinet #oxen #session #lokinet, pero me hace ruido que no sea de código abierto. Me gustaría saber que opinan de utopia (https://u.is/es/)?
#UtopiaP2P #oxen #session #lokinet
je vois #oxen si je comprends bien https://getsession.org/crypto-craze/
mais qu'est-ce que ça t'inspires l'usage d'une crypto derrière une messagerie?
The #Oxen (ex #Loki) #Session #messenger had its code #audit by #Quarkslab completed and published.
#security #privacy #onion tied to #cryptocurrency
#cryptocurrency #onion #privacy #security #quarkslab #audit #messenger #session #loki #oxen