While I have the same problem with ‘Lost Signals’ I had with the first game – that all the characters sound like… y’know, characters rather than humans to the point of almost being caricatures –, I still enjoy it a lot so far. An intriguing world and mystery will do that. #Oxenfree #Oxenfree2
I wonder if @grumpygamer has seen #Oxenfree2? The plot and dialogue are intriguing.
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Wir zocken Oxenfree II weiter und ich bin schon sehr gespannt, wie oft ich mich heute erschrecken werde 😅😱
Kommt gerne vorbei 💛
➡️ https://twitch.tv/delaila2003
THE DEAD WANT THEIR LIVES BACK | Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals - Full Longplay / Review
#KrinxTV #Oxenfree2 #HorrorGame #HorrorGames #HorrorGaming
#krinxtv #oxenfree2 #horrorgame #horrorgames #horrorgaming
Holiday time means many things, but it also means a bit of time for #gaming, in this case: #Oxenfree2 on Steam Deck. Loved the first one and the second is off to a great start! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2004714957461456358/023610AF8BCE257C481778BB3A0937B9B3956683/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
Alright, so #Oxenfree2 is already a banger. About 3 hours in, and it's everything I wanted more of from the first game. It's entirely my jam.
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Wie heute Mittag bereits angekündigt, spielen wir heute das erste Mal Oxenfree II 🤩
Ein wundervoll atmosphärisches Mystery-Thriller-Game, wovon mich der erste Teil schon begeistert hat.
Kommt vorbei, ich freu mich auf euch 💛
Taking the @TheLongestJohns Twitch channel live right about now to play some #Oxenfree2 on launch day! Come for the creepy #haunted radiowaves, stay for the.. ever
It's #Oxenfree2 launch day and I didn't even realise despite having it wishlisted? I need to find the people responsible for this tremendous oversight.
Aucun doute pour @Zali_Falcam, #Oxenfree2 est une excellente suite. Mais il aurait pu être un peu plus encore...