This from 2016, but the bring up some genuine concerns about #GE #mosquitoes:
"This new evidence from the Cayman Islands highlights that #Oxitec is aware of a major flaw in its single-species, technological approach to eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes. Oxitec makes clear that the release of the GE Asian Tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus might be needed if the release of the GE Aedes aegypti results in an increase of the numbers of #AsianTigerMosquitoes. Oxitec’s 2014 application to the Cayman Islands Department of Environment states, 'Should Aedes albopictus begin to occupy the Aedes aegypti niche upon reduction in their numbers, a concurrent operation will begin to reduce the numbers of Aedes albopictus'.
"The company has also previously hid information about the mosquito’s potential to survive. Company data noted that 15 to 18% of its GM mosquitoes survive when fed on cat food containing industrially farmed chicken, which contains the antibiotic tetracycline. Environmental groups have warned that this could lead to the survival and spread of large numbers of GM mosquitoes, when they encounter this common antibiotic in the environment e.g. in discarded takeaways or septic tanks."
#ge #mosquitoes #oxitec #asiantigermosquitoes
More concerns about #GE mosquitoes -- especially since they can breed when exposed to #tetracycline
Behind an academic paywall:
Science snipes at #Oxitec transgenic-mosquito trial
by Nidhi Subbaraman
Nature Biotechnology volume 29, pages 9–10 (2011)
"#Oxitec's plans for transgenic #mosquito trials have not been without controversy in the past. They have been criticized by environmental groups, such as Ottawa-based #ETCGroup and #EcoNexus of Oxford, concerned about the risks of releasing an entirely new strain of organism into the environment".
#ge #tetracycline #oxitec #mosquito #etcgroup #econexus #gm #geneticengineering #mosquitoes
So, yeah, concerns about #Oxitec #GE #GM #mosquitoes were brushed off as "conspiracy theories" (probably twisted by Q-Anon types), but it turns out that those concerns were real. To summarize, GE mosquitoes, allegedly bred to be sterile, become not-so-sterile when exposed to #Tetracycline -- a common antibiotic used in cattle, companion animals, and humans!
Following Review of Available Data and Public Comments, EPA Expands and Extends Testing of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes to Reduce Mosquito Populations
For Release: March 7, 2022
"To ensure that no OX5034 female mosquito offspring survive, EPA has taken the precaution of restricting release of OX5034 mosquitos within 500 meters of potential sources of tetracyclines, as there is a remote chance that environmental sources of tetracycline could have enough tetracycline present to act as a counter agent to the OX5034 female mosquito-lethal trait. Releases must not occur within 500 meters from the outer perimeter of 1) wastewater treatment facilities; 2) commercial citrus, apple, pear, nectarine, and peach crops; and 3) commercial cattle, poultry, and pig livestock facilities. The 500-meter distance creates a conservative buffer zone between OX5034 release points and potential environmental tetracycline sources."
"Oxitec must monitor for OX5034 female mosquitoes within 100 meters of those potential environmental tetracycline sources."
#oxitec #ge #gm #mosquitoes #tetracycline
There are concerns that #Oxitec #GE #mosquitoes can breed if exposed to tetracycline (links in thread)
Environmental groups relieved as release of GE mosquitoes avoided in #California
In what some environmental groups call a ‘major win,’ the release of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes in California has been averted, at least for now. The company behind the project, Oxitec, has voluntarily withdrawn its application to release these mosquitoes, which had been funded by the Bill Gates Foundation.
by Julie Hambleton
June 27, 2023 ·
#oxitec #ge #mosquitoes #california #geneticengineering