Hab mal wieder ein bisschen #oxygennotincluded gespielt. Großartiger chaotischer Spaß
New #OxygenNotIncluded light blueprint! It's common but its new to me. And only my 2nd new light so far.
I get weirdly excited for beds and wallpaper, and now I guess lights too.
Ando con ansiedad hoy. Estoy por abrirme #OxygenNotIncluded El problema es que nunca soy capaz de jugar menos de tres horas seguidas
I may have a problem playing too much Oxygen Not Included...
I have (possibly fortunately) as yet not gotten the graphical version of Dwarf Fortress. 😀
Hmm, I'm very tempted to do a round-robin shared save game of Oxygen Not Included. Boatmurdered in spaaaaace...
It's time for more twitch.tv/swemoney! 🎉
Monday: #OxygenNotIncluded, duh.
Tuesday/Friday: Cozy adventures in #BaldursGate3 continue.
Thursday: Waiting room stream for the new #TwoPointCampus Medical School DLC
Rdy go! 📺
#twopointcampus #BaldursGate3 #oxygennotincluded
Lot's of new stuff to check on this week at twitch.tv/swemoney!
Monday: Checking out a handful of games from the #YogscastGames #TinyTeamsFest
Tuesday/Thursday: Getting started on our #BaldursGate3 journey!
Friday: Our 1100+ cycle colony continues with more #OxygenNotIncluded
So many new games! Can't wait to check them all out! 📺
#oxygennotincluded #BaldursGate3 #tinyteamsfest #yogscastgames
Note to self, and others: if you do a 100 dupes 100 cycles challenge
- load in the 100 dupes
- set up schedules immediately. (4x should do
- do priorities, start with deselecting or lowering the ones you don't want everyone to do. THEN adjust up based on existing stats.
- Now SAVE this to the starting scenario, so you can start over if everything goes to shit so you don't have to do it all again.
/ sincerely my hands are hurting because I just did this on the Steamdeck after forgetting to do any of it on the desktop before cloud save. Sob.
Hashtags below here.
#OxygenNotIncluded #Gameing #Games #SteamDeck
#oxygennotincluded #gameing #games #SteamDeck
#10GamesToKnowMe why not?
#PokemonGo oh no I am playing it right now
#KatamariDamacy naaaa na na na na na na na
#TheSims franchise
#DeliciousEmily franchise
#DungeonKeeper (the original)
#10gamestoknowme #pokemongo #katamaridamacy #thesims #deliciousemily #oxygennotincluded #ataleinthedesert #lordoftheringsonline #dungeonkeeper #breathofthewild #ingress
The worst part of #oxygennotincluded is that depressurizing a region does not lower its temperature.
Another busy week at twitch.tv/swemoney! #twitch
Monday/Friday: #OxygenNotIncluded continues.. We might even be making progress towards space!
Tuesday: Trying our #LetsSchool from Pathea Games.
Thursday: More getting distracted in #Techtonica
Thursday and Friday's games are possibly subject to change...
Can't wait to see you all for the fun! 📺
#techtonica #letsschool #oxygennotincluded #Twitch
I've started streaming #OxygenNotIncluded on #Twitch for Try Not To Die Thursday! New colony, new resources, same problems.
Is it already time for another twitch.tv/swemoney schedule!? #Twitch
Monday/Friday: Somehow our colony still hasn't collapsed so we'll keep trucking along in #OxygenNotIncluded
Tuesday/Thursday: We had a lot of fun last week getting distracted and not progressing in #Techtonica, so let's do it some more!
Can't wait to see you all there! 📺
#techtonica #oxygennotincluded #Twitch
I should be #dnd session planning or writing the assembly doc for the bird/squirrel feeder I'm designing for #3dprinting
What I am going to do is play #OxygenNotIncluded and then 2 hours will disappear.
#oxygennotincluded #3dprinting #dnd
Exciting schedule at twitch.tv/swemoney this week! #twitch
Monday: Continuing our super slow but still alive #OxygenNotIncluded colony
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: Checking out the early access release of #Techtonica for the rest of the week! Lots to explore!
Can't wait to see everyone there! 📺
#techtonica #oxygennotincluded #Twitch
Getting the schedule out for twitch.tv/swemoney before I reformat this computer! #twitch
Monday/Friday: Oxygen Not Included.
Tuesday: Checking out #BackpackHero for a bit before some more #OxygenNotIncluded.
Thursday: Taking the day off with my kiddos.
Tons of #ONI this week! Can't stop won't stop! See you all there! 📺
#oni #oxygennotincluded #BackpackHero #Twitch
Diese #Steam #Cloud ist schon nett. PC neu aufgesetzt, Steam installiert - alle Spielstände von #Valheim und #OxygenNotIncluded sind da.
#oxygennotincluded #valheim #cloud #steam
Looking for #gaming recommendations on the #PC. My faves of late have been #Satisfactory and #OxygenNotIncluded. #DiabloIV has been a nice distraction, but it hasn't grabbed on to me.
It can be AAA or indie, and the distribution can be whatever platform.
What say you, internet?
#gaming #satisfactory #oxygennotincluded #diabloiv #pc
The old #SurfacePro 4 (I'm using since killing my laptop) won't keep up with my current #OxygenNotIncluded game and my new laptop won't be here until Monday.
#oxygennotincluded #surfacepro
My old surface won't keep up with my current #OxygenNotIncluded game and my replacement computer won't be here until Monday. https://media.tenor.com/fvVH8h0uZMcAAAAC/oxygen-not-included-oni.gif