XQuery is a declarative language for querying hierarchical data (nigh-always XML); BaseX is a truly excellent XQuery processor. OxygenXML Editor is a truly excellent starts-with-X development IDE. BUT! BaseX has not been integrated into Oxygen.
If you have any idea what I'm on about, please consider wandering by the feature request page for oXygen and asking for BaseX integration. Apparently they do count the votes when planning new features.
#basex #oxygenxml #neepery #xquery #xpath
Seriously, #Adobe? A 33% increase in the subscription price for #FrameMaker? Most of my clients have moved to #OxygenXML for #DITAxml authoring, so this may be the time to finally cut my ties. I’ve been a FrameMaker user/developer for over 30 years. A bit bittersweet. Looks like I have a month to make some final plugin updates. Will see how that goes. :-(
#adobe #FrameMaker #oxygenxml #ditaxml