Music of 528 Hz but not control 440 hz has effect on autonomic nervous system (increase of oxytocin, decrease of cortisol). In other words music of 528 Hz lowers stress and let us feel comfortable.
#cortisol #oxytocin #BioScience #Music #stress #relax #Neurobiology #AutonomicNervousSystem
#cortisol #oxytocin #bioscience #music #stress #relax #neurobiology #autonomicnervoussystem 暑すぎて愚痴るねこ #BlackAndWhiteCat #BrownTabbyCat #cat #CatVideos #cute #fluffy #FunnyVideos #Hachiware #HappinessHormone #Happy #healing #JapaneseCat #LifeWithCats #neko #oxytocin #PetTherapy #VideosThatCatsLove #オキシトシン #かわいい #ねこ #ハチワレ #ペットセラピー #もふもふ #幸せ #幸せホルモン #日本の猫 #日本猫 #猫がいる暮らし #猫がいる生活 #猫が喜ぶ動画 #猫動画 #癒し #白黒猫 #茶トラ猫 #面白い動画
#blackandwhitecat #browntabbycat #cat #catvideos #cute #fluffy #funnyvideos #hachiware #happinesshormone #happy #healing #japanesecat #lifewithcats #neko #oxytocin #pettherapy #videosthatcatslove #オキシトシン #かわいい #ねこ #ハチワレ #ペットセラピー #もふもふ #幸せ #幸せホルモン #日本の猫 #日本猫 #猫がいる暮らし #猫がいる生活 #猫が喜ぶ動画 #猫動画 #癒し #白黒猫 #茶トラ猫 #面白い動画
##oxytocin ##もふもふ #blackandwhitecat #browntabbycat #cat #catvideos #cute #fluffy #FunnyVideos #Hachiware #happinesshormone #happy #Healing #Japanesecat #lifewithcats #neko #pettherapy #Videosthatcatslove #オキシトシン #かわいい #ねこ #ハチワレ #ペットセラピー #幸せ #幸せホルモン #日本の猫 #日本猫 #猫がいる暮らし #猫がいる生活 #猫が喜ぶ動画 #猫動画 #癒し #白黒猫 #茶トラ猫 #面白い動画
#oxytocin #もふもふ #blackandwhitecat #browntabbycat #cat #catvideos #cute #fluffy #funnyvideos #hachiware #happinesshormone #happy #healing #japanesecat #lifewithcats #neko #pettherapy #videosthatcatslove #オキシトシン #かわいい #ねこ #ハチワレ #ペットセラピー #幸せ #幸せホルモン #日本の猫 #日本猫 #猫がいる暮らし #猫がいる生活 #猫が喜ぶ動画 #猫動画 #癒し #白黒猫 #茶トラ猫 #面白い動画
#Dopamine, #Serotonin, #Endorphins, #Oxytocin: Your happy #Hormones, explained : Nat Geo
#Graphene ‘#Tattoo’ treats #Cardiac #Arrhythmia with light : Misc
#Mathematicians make even better never-repeating #Tile #Discovery($) : New Scientist
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #discovery #tile #mathematicians #arrhythmia #cardiac #tattoo #graphene #hormones #oxytocin #endorphins #serotonin #dopamine
Our new study shows intranasal #oxytocin decreased automatic avoidance of a photo of the deceased in those with prolonged #grief--the OT system may maintain #attachment desire for the deceased or worsen preoccupying thoughts of them.
Drug Maker, Univ. Lab Partner on Neuropeptide Anxiety Trial
A biopharmaceutical company and university neuroscience lab are collaborating on a clinical trial testing a peptide nasal spray treatment for social anxiety disorder.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Collaboration #Neuroscience #Psychiatry #SocialAnxietyDisorder #ClinicalTrial #NasalSpray #Peptide #Oxytocin #VicariousExtinction
#News #press #science #business #collaboration #neuroscience #psychiatry #socialanxietydisorder #ClinicalTrial #NasalSpray #peptide #oxytocin #vicariousextinction
This is pretty neat. Tl;dr: It's not *just* oxytocin.
“To recognize and match emotions, zebrafish use areas of the brain that are equivalent to some of those that humans also use for this purpose.”
#emotion #empathy #brainOrganization #conspecific #oxytocin #emotionalContagion #zebrafish 🐟 🐠
#zebrafish #emotionalcontagion #oxytocin #conspecific #brainorganization #empathy #EMOTION
Since I read Science and Nature regularly (altho usually belatedly) I want to get back to my practice of sharing interesting science. Take this:
#oxytocin #empatheticfish fish "consoled" distressed schoolmates by preferentially associating with them. The oxytocin and #argininevasopressin #brain pathways are implicated. Contributes to philosophical debates about #sentience
#oxytocin #empatheticfish #argininevasopressin #brain #sentience
Evolutionarily conserved role of #oxytocin in social fear contagion in #zebrafish
Emotions for all!
RT @IGCiencia
👏@IGCiencia @k_kareklas @ibukuneuro Rui Oliveira lab’s paper is out in @ScienceMagazine! The team reveals that🐠zebrafish use similar mechanisms to those of humans to read & mimic😊#emotions. #Oxytocin is responsible for these #behaviors in zebrafish, as it is in 🐒mammals.
#behaviors #oxytocin #emotions
RT @Mai22130007
Read my latest #research @CharletLab on #oxytocin #pain #neuromodulator #circuit, published with @SpringerNature in @NatureComms
Read here:
Suppression of pain signal by oxytocin release in periaqueductal gray lasted for 5 minutes.
#research #oxytocin #pain #neuromodulator #circuit
##oxytocin #dog #Inu #SaintBernard #セント・バーナード #セントバーナード #子犬 #日常 #癒され動画
#癒され動画 #日常 #子犬 #セントバーナード #セント・バーナード #saintbernard #inu #dog #oxytocin
Researchers have found that #oxytocin, commonly known as the "love hormone," may not be crucial for the social behaviors it's known for. "As you can imagine, this is huge," said Stanford Psychiatry's Nirao Shah. Here are the latest findings, in the Stanford University School of Medicine Scope Blog: #Psychiatry #Hormones
#oxytocin #psychiatry #hormones
Prairie #voles without #oxytocin receptors can bond with #mates and young.
#signalling #hormones #sociality
#voles #oxytocin #mates #signalling #hormones #sociality
Nice summary & discussion on the new findings that #PrairieVoles lacking #oxytocin receptors still bonded with mates and cared for pups (summarised as "#social #attachment"). The story about the "#love #hormone" was, obviously, too simple to be true...!
"The wiring for attachment is so important,” he [Devanand Manoli] says. “It would be a little surprising if there were a single point of failure.”
#prairievoles #oxytocin #social #attachment #love #hormone
#Oxytocin has for decades been called "the love hormone." But new research finds prairie voles that lack a protein that normally detects the hormone still bond socially.
The finding doesn't speak directly to oxytocin's role in humans, but further research could cause #science to fall out of love with the hormone's nickname.
"A lot more needs to be done before we can really say that this qualifies as a love hormone," says Nirao Shah, a Stanford neuroscientist.
If you’re interested, here’s a good primer open access journal article on #oxytocin accessible to the educated lay reader-
The more I read about the human body the more I realise how interconnected it is, and it blows my mind every time.
Take #oxytocin. Popularly and far too simplistically known as the “cuddle hormone” for its role in social bonding, it has wide ranging effects on the nervous system, immune system, and reproductive systems…and all those effects interact with each other and with each individual’s unique epigenetic makeup. If we fully understood how oxytocin works it would be world-changing, I think.
4. #Oxytocin also known as the 'love hormone', is crucial for nursing, birth, and a close parent-child relationship.
Additionally, it can encourage bonding, empathy, and trust in partnerships. Physical affection often results in a rise in levels.