Fellow Oz fans, here's my website's overview of the latest issue of "The Baum Bugle", the journal of the International Wizard of Oz Club. https://thewizardofoz.info/wiki/Oz_News#July_17,_2023:_The_Baum_Bugle_Spring_2023_Issue And this is just one issue! If you join, you get THREE issues a year! https://www.ozclub.org/ #WizardOfOz #OzClub
Now that the 2023 winners have been announced, it's time to start thinking about the 2024 International Wizard of Oz Club Writing and Art contests. Here are the details: https://www.ozclub.org/oz-club-contests/ #TheWizardOfOz #OzClub
Hey, Oz fans, do you know there's an International Wizard of Oz Club? Well you do now! I've been a member for nearly fifty years now, so they must be doing SOMETHING right. https://www.ozclub.org/ #WizardOfOz #OzClub