White Footed Dunnart #BrisbaneRangesNP #wildlife #WildOz #Forest #Hiking #Camping #HikingAus #Bushwalking #wildlife #ozNature
A tiny carnivorous marsupial. It was darting about so fast I didn’t think I stood a chance of getting a photo.
#brisbanerangesnp #wildlife #wildoz #forest #hiking #camping #hikingaus #bushwalking #oznature
@SeanMaths4EAL it's it just the most wondrous and beautiful??!! 🤗💚🌱 #ozNature #ozFlora
Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) are hollow-dependent marsupials from Australia. They feed on nectar, sap, insects and small vertebrates, including birds and their eggs. They are adept gliders, as this thermal scope footage clearly demonstrates. #Cute #WildOz #OzNature #AustralianWildlife
#cute #wildoz #oznature #australianwildlife