else{music} · @elsemusic
98 followers · 720 posts · Server sunny.garden

I upgraded to Ozone 10 a few weeks ago. I've received two requests to post a review, and wrote a very detailed one in response to the first request. But I couldn't submit it, and now I can't even open the review form. Sorry , but I can't give your latest iteration the kudos it deserves.

#izotope #ozone10

Last updated 2 years ago

else{music} · @elsemusic
85 followers · 539 posts · Server sunny.garden

asked me to write a review of . I tried, but my efforts to submit it have been in vain. Sigh.

I don't automatically update just because there's a new plugin version, but after reading about Ozone 10 I decided immediately it was worth the USD145 it would cost to get the latest version. The ability to load my own reference tracks, and the Stabliser and Impact plugins were the selling points. It claims to use AI too, but I don't know exactly how. Still, it produces great results.

#izotope #ozone10

Last updated 2 years ago

else{music} · @elsemusic
78 followers · 416 posts · Server sunny.garden

In last year's sales I bought 's Soothe. This year I bought nowt, because [a] I discovered and a fortnight earlier and [b] 's dropped a week before.

There are always a few of the more expensive plugins on my mental wishlist, and I will check for them each Black Friday, but not this year.

#blackfriday #oeksound #synthesizerv #solaria #izotope #ozone10

Last updated 2 years ago

Pete Concept · @humanconcept
65 followers · 34 posts · Server mstdn.social

by Izotope is a fantastic piece of kit. And it’s integration with and is superb.

#neutron4 #ozone10 #audiolens

Last updated 2 years ago