On June 15, 1995, Tank Girl debuted in Australia. Here’s some Lori Petty fan art!
#TankGirl #RachelTalalay #SciFI #BlackComedy #DystopianSciFi #LoriPetty #PostApocalypticFilm #1990sMovies #Ozsploitation #PostalStickers #StickerARt #ARt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tankgirl #racheltalalay #scifi #blackcomedy #DystopianSciFi #loripetty #postapocalypticfilm #1990smovies #ozsploitation #postalstickers #stickerart #art #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On June 8, 1981, Road Games debuted in Denmark. Here’s some original Jamie Lee Curtis art!
#RoadGames #RichardFranklin #JamieLeeCurtis #RoadMovies #HorrorMovies #SlasherMovies #Ozsploitation #TruckerMovies #CultMovies #TCMUnderground #PenDrawing #Horror #HorrorArt #Art MovieHistory
#roadgames #richardfranklin #jamieleecurtis #roadmovies #horrormovies #slashermovies #ozsploitation #truckermovies #cultmovies #tcmunderground #pendrawing #horror #horrorart #art
On April 27, 1982, Road Games debuted in Denmark. Here’s some original Jamie Lee Curtis art!
#RoadGames #RichardFranklin #JamieLeeCurtis #RoadMovies #HorrorMovies #SlasherMovies #Ozsploitation #TruckerMovies #CultMovies #TCMUnderground #PenDrawing #Horror #HorrorArt #Art #MovieHistory
#roadgames #richardfranklin #jamieleecurtis #roadmovies #horrormovies #slashermovies #ozsploitation #truckermovies #cultmovies #tcmunderground #pendrawing #horror #horrorart #art #moviehistory
On June 5, 1975, The Cars that Ate Paris debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some original fan art to celebrate!
#TheCarsThatAteParis #PeterWeir #Horror #HorrorComedy #Ozsploitation #ExploitationFilm #Carsploitation #AustralianFilm #IndieFilm #MidnightMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thecarsthatateparis #peterweir #horror #horrorcomedy #ozsploitation #exploitationfilm #carsploitation #australianfilm #indiefilm #midnightmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 11, 1980, Mad Max debuted in Toronto, Canada. Here’s some Goose art to celebrate!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #Steve Bisley #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #steve #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On April 5, 1983, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior debuted in Brazil. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#MadMax2 #MadMax ##TheRoadWarrior #GeorgeMiller #MonsterVision #PostApocalypticFilm #ScienceFiction #ExploitationFilm #OutlawBikerFilm #MelGibson #Ozsploitation #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax2 #madmax #theroadwarrior #georgemiller #monstervision #postapocalypticfilm #sciencefiction #exploitationfilm #outlawbikerfilm #melgibson #ozsploitation #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 30, 2018, Razorback and Walkabout were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some art inspired by both features!
#TCMParty #Razorback #Walkabout #ArkieWhiteley #JennyAgutter #Ozsploitation #HorrorMovies #AustralianNewWave #NewWaveFilm #Art #FanArt #MovieArt #DoubleFeature
#TCMParty #razorback #walkabout #arkiewhiteley #jennyagutter #ozsploitation #horrormovies #australiannewwave #newwavefilm #art #FanArt #movieart #doublefeature
On March 12, 1980, Mad Max debuted in Norway. Here’s some original fan art to celebrate!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #MelGibson #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #melgibson #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On February 1, 1980 Mad Max debuted in Los Angeles, California. Here’s a portrait of Hugh Keays-Byrne as Toecutter to mark the occasion!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #HughKeaysByrne #DystopianSciFi #PostApocalypse #PostApocalypticFilm #Ozsploitation #AustralianFilm #FanArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #hughkeaysbyrne #DystopianSciFi #postapocalypse #postapocalypticfilm #ozsploitation #australianfilm #FanArt #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On January 30, 1985 Razorback debuted in France. Here’s an original drawing of Arkie Whiteley to celebrate!
#Razorback #RussellMulcahy #Ozsploitation #ArkieWhiteley #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #MonsterMovies #AustralianFilm #80sHorror #MonsterArt #MovieMonsters #TCMUnderground #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#razorback #russellmulcahy #ozsploitation #arkiewhiteley #horrormovies #horrorart #monstermovies #australianfilm #80sHorror #monsterart #moviemonsters #tcmunderground #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
On January 25, 1982 Road Games debuted in Sweden. Here’s some original Jamie Lee Curtis art!
#RoadGames #RichardFranklin #JamieLeeCurtis #RoadMovies #HorrorMovies #SlasherMovies #Ozsploitation #TruckerMovies #CultMovies #TCMUnderground #PenDrawing #Horror #HorrorArt #Art MovieHistory
#roadgames #richardfranklin #jamieleecurtis #roadmovies #horrormovies #slashermovies #ozsploitation #truckermovies #cultmovies #tcmunderground #pendrawing #horror #horrorart #art
On December 21, 2020 cult film icon and Mad Max franchise star Hugh Keays-Byrne died.
R.I.P. (1947 - 2020)
#RestInPeace #HughKeaysBryne #MadMax #MadMaxFuryRoad #Toecutter #Ozsploitation #MadDogMorgan #DystopianSciFi #Art #FanArt #SciFiArt
#restinpeace #hughkeaysbryne #madmax #madmaxfuryroad #toecutter #ozsploitation #maddogmorgan #DystopianSciFi #art #FanArt #scifiart
On December 21, 2020 cult film icon and Mad Max franchise star Hugh Keays-Byrne died.
R.I.P. (1947 - 2020)
#RestInPeace #HughKeaysBryne #MadMax #MadMaxFuryRoad #Toecutter #Ozsploitation #MadDogMorgan #DystopianSciFi #Art #FanArt #SciFiArt
#restinpeace #hughkeaysbryne #madmax #madmaxfuryroad #toecutter #ozsploitation #maddogmorgan #DystopianSciFi #art #FanArt #scifiart
@The_Tickle_Fox Heck of an Ozsploitation thriller! Got it on in the background as I type this! 😁👍📼
#RoadGames #JamieLeeCurtis #Ozsploitation #FanArt
#roadgames #jamieleecurtis #ozsploitation #FanArt
#HorrorMovieAdvent #Day7: Today's prompt is #Travel, so going with the Ozsploitation trucker slasher classic Road Games (1981). Also, there's nowhere near enough trucker horror movies out there imo! Here's an original portrait of Stacy Keach for today's prompt!
#RoadGames #Horror #HorrorFans #RichardFranklin #StacyKeach #HorrorArt #Ozsploitation #Art #FanArt
#horrormovieadvent #day7 #travel #roadgames #horror #horrorfans #richardfranklin #stacykeach #horrorart #ozsploitation #art #FanArt
On November 25, 1985 Road Games debuted on VHS in the United States. Here's some original Jamie Lee Curtis art!
#RoadGames #HorrorMovies #Ozsploitation #JamieLeeCurtis #ExploitationFilms #ScreamQueen #Art #FanArt #VHS #MovieHistory
#roadgames #horrormovies #ozsploitation #jamieleecurtis #exploitationfilms #screamqueen #art #FanArt #vhs #moviehistory
On November 24, 2020 Mad Max was released on Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray in the United States. Here's a portrait of Hugh Keays-Byrne as Toecutter to celebrate!
#MadMax #GeorgeMiller #HughKeaysByrne #Ozsploitation #DystopianSciFi #DystopianFilm #SciFiArt #CultMovies #FanArt #MastoArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#madmax #georgemiller #hughkeaysbyrne #ozsploitation #DystopianSciFi #dystopianfilm #scifiart #cultmovies #FanArt #MastoArt #movieart #moviehistory
@redfrog Awesome! Give me "The Cars That Ate Paris" vibes!
#TheCarsThatAteParis #Ozsploitation #ExploitationFilm #Art
#thecarsthatateparis #ozsploitation #exploitationfilm #art