We consider the Tutte polynomial of three classes of greedoids: those arising from rooted graphs, rooted digraphs and binary matrices. We establish the computational complexity of evaluating each of these polynomials at each fixed rational point (x,y). In each case we show that evaluation is #P-hard except for a small number of exceptional cases when there is a polynomial time algorithm. In the binary case, establishing #P-hardness along one line relies on Vertigan's unpublished result on the complexity of counting bases of a matroid. For completeness, we include an appendix providing a proof if this result.
We study the approximability of computing the partition functions of two-state spin systems. The problem is parameterized by a $2\times 2$ symmetric matrix. Previous results on this problem were restricted either to the case where the matrix has non-negative entries, or to the case where the diagonal entries are equal, i.e. Ising models. In this paper, we study the generalization to arbitrary $2\times 2$ interaction matrices with real entries. We show that in some regions of the parameter space, it's \#P-hard to even determine the sign of the partition function, while in other regions there are fully polynomial approximation schemes for the partition function. Our results reveal several new computational phase transitions.
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Hey, #CommonLisp would I have anything to gain by doing this: #ProgrammingQuestion #lisp
(with-open-file (io #p"file.ext" :direction :io)
(let* ((before (read-sequence (make-array (file-length io)) io)))
(file-position io :start)
(write-sequence *changed-sequence* io)
(unless (equal *changed-sequence* (read-sequence (make-array (file-length io)) io))
(error "write seems not to've happened"))))
;; the standard requires a lock on file writing already.
#commonlisp #programmingquestion #lisp #p
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