Hero Afghan pilot: I feel abandoned by the UK | The Independent
#AfghanRefugees #afghans #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #AfghanPilot #uk #abandoned #rwanda #SmallBoats #afghanistan #ARAP #Dannatt #Stringer #p1
Norm announcing his retirement from The Ticket. I never thought this day would come.
#KTCK #TheTicket #P1
Wednesday Night Watchmen
Let's talk about yoongi (understanding, protecting and comforting taetae) #P1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wzFFvUWYa6U&feature=youtu.be
Welcome @andosp! Did you join because of today’s #P1? Is this the #GreatestGenBump?
"Après leur première année de PASS ou de L.AS, trois étudiants sur cinq ne se réinscrivent pas dans une formation donnant accès aux études de santé. Un taux largement supérieur à celui de la génération PACES. La réforme aurait-elle découragé les futurs soignants ?"
#études #médecine #carabins #réorientation #université #santé #P1 #PASS #LAS #licence #PCEM #PCEM1 #PACES #statistiques #LEtudiant
#etudes #medecine #Carabins #reorientation #universite #sante #p1 #pass #las #licence #PCem #pcem1 #paces #statistiques #letudiant
Det bedste der er sket for mig i dag er at Slotsholmen holder påskeferie og Orientering på P1 faktisk et interessant at lytte til i hele 2 timer igen! :boost_ok:
#dkmedier #p1 #dktrut #danskertrut #dkmastodon
Van #NLE naar #BudgetEnegie want de nle is door hen overgenomen. Nu krijg ik een #jaarverbruik die niet klopt met wat er word uitgelezen door de #P1 meter en #mindergas.nl van +200 M3 en dat is vreemd. Want die data komt uit de meter en via een API van BudgetEnegie....
#mindergas #p1 #jaarverbruik #budgetenegie #nle
Just two weeks ago we weren't expecting a Spaniard on the podium, and definitely not this one. #F1 #P1 #bahraingp #formula1
For two graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$, the online Ramsey number $\tilde{r}(G_1,G_2)$ is the smallest number of edges that Builder draws on an infinite empty graph to guarantee that there is either a red copy of $G_1$ or a blue copy of $G_2$, under the condition that Builder draws one edge in each round and Painter immediately colors it red or blue. For online Ramsey numbers of paths, Cyman, Dzido, Lapinskas, and Lo conjectured that $\tilde{r}(P_4, P_{\ell+1}) = \lceil(7\ell+2)/5\rceil$ for all $\ell \ge 3$ [Electron. J. Combin. 22 (2015) #P1.15]. We verify the conjecture in this paper.
It's a lot more of a blue sky today, but I had a LOL as a few JASDF planes flew over this morning. It's Monday morning for them too. #JASDF #SDF #Kawasaki #P1 #PlaneSpotting
#jasdf #sdf #kawasaki #p1 #planespotting
I'm a long time #formula1 fan (started watching in the late 70s when a local dude named Gilles started driving for the team in red). In recent years, I liked watching #wtf1 on YouTube because it had a nice fun vibe provided by the hosts Matt and Tommy (and Katy at times). Matt and Tommy have left that channel and are now hosting #P1 - if you used to watch the former, you can find them here.
They are back! #WTF1 is now called #P1 everything on #F1 https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/p1-with-matt-and-tommy/id1670705840
@feditips personally, i link this gain in overall masto membership DIRECTLY to the #p1 messages in the #greatestgen pod. @greatesttrek@bird.makeup @greatesttrek@twtr.plus
I dagens Nordegren & Epstein gästas studion av en pedagogist skicklig @winero i ett samtal om ChatGPT och utbildning. Med start ca 10 min in.
#ai #chatgpt #p1 #publicservice #utbildning
Should I purchase a #P1 message of a promotional nature on #GreatestGen to advertise the London Lovecraft Festival? It'll be the week of February 15th, so is it too late?