I'm trying to figure out how to best structure the list of playable races for my #Ustalav campaigns in my #HouseRules.
I could list all the 0-HD races in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races that are not permitted as playable characters, then list all the races that are not in Inner Sea Races that are permitted, or I could just provide a recommended list and say anything that is not on the recommended list we should talk about first.
#ustalav #Houserules #pathfinder1e #p1e #pathfinder1 #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I'm still procrastinating creating the stat block for my vampire pumpkins.
I have a pretty good idea of what I want them to be like now, it's just a matter of generating the stat block.
I've been procrastinating for two weeks now. I don't fully know why.
I am thinking about giving them the ability to root themselves that Glutton Grass has.
#VampirePumpkin #Vampires #Pumpkin #JackOLantern #Pathfinder1e #P1e #Ustalav
#Pathfinder1 #PathfinderRPG
#procrastination #vampirepumpkin #vampires #pumpkin #jackolantern #pathfinder1e #p1e #ustalav #pathfinder1 #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Any #DnD3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
Any #Dnd3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
Hey, I never finished an AP either. I never even finished a module, for that matter. The only module I've even played in is (P1e) Feast of Ravenmoor, but the GM dropped out. I've also GMed part of (P1e) Dawn of the Scarlet Sun twice and part of (P1e) Crypt of the Everflame once.
I've read most #P1e APs though, and a fair few modules. I draw inspiration from them for my own campaign, but I don't run them. (I borrow heavily from Carrion Crown.)
I'm thinking about #Pathfinder1e adventures suitable for level one in #Ustalav. One idea is dealing with a possession by a low CR entity.
I like the idea of using Ritual Exorcism from Occult Adventures, but the failure effect (a temporary negative level for all casters+4d6 damage for primary caster) is fatal at level 1.
I might make a weaker version of the #ritual (only affects low CR entities) with a less severe failure effect. Maybe "folk exorcism."
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #ritual #ttrpg #p1e
I might give my vampire pumpkins the ability to keep the blood on which they feed fresh for later consumption by vampires, which would make them desirable for actual vampires to keep around.
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #Pathfinder1e #P1e #Ustalav #PathfinderRPG
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #pathfinder1e #p1e #ustalav #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I'm developing a #Pathfinder1e monster.
The monster idea is a Vampire Pumpkin for my #Ustalav campaign(s).
Creature is a Tiny Plant with...
--Reach of 5 ft. (unusual for Tiny).
--Attach (Ex) on Bite.
--Bite as a Medium creature.
--Grab (Ex) on tendril attacks.
--Blood Drain (Ex) in a grapple.
--Freeze (Ex) (as jack o'lantern).
I haven't decided on the CR or HD yet. I'm feeling like CR of 2 to 5.
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #P1e #TTRPG #Pathfinder #PathfinderRPG
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #p1e #ttrpg #pathfinder #pathfinderrpg
#Barghest are evil fiends. In #P1e they're not just LE but have Lawful and Evil subtypes.
LE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful, shapechanger)
Changing their alignment seems like a big deal. I'd change the subtype as well. This would bring them in line with their P2e alignment.
#P2e lists them as:
CE Medium Fiend
But I suppose that's going away anyway with alignment going away in the updated ORC version of the P2e rules.
#barghest #p1e #P2E #pathfinder1e #pathfinder2e #pathfinderrpg
So I have two greater #barghest miniatures but I haven't figured out how I want to integrate them into my #Pathfinder1e #Ustalav campaign. I'll probably bring them in as mythic greater barghests leading goblins.
I noticed in #Pathfinder2e the barghest has an alignment of CE but in #P1e their default alignment is LE like in D&D3.x. I'm thinking about changing them in my P1e campaign to CE as it makes more sense if they follow Lamashtu, who is a CE demon lord in #PathfinderRPG.
#barghest #pathfinder1e #ustalav #pathfinder2e #p1e #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg
I run one #Pathfinder1e campaign, which I started in a game store. The game store changed locations, got sold, and had a name change while we played there. When it closed, I tried another game store but it had a pest problem so I switched to a home game.
So, final answer, I run my #P1e game from my home but have also ran at a game store in the past. It's much easier to recruit players at a game store, but I use a lot of support materials that I don't like to transport.
I spent my evening making a CR 3 (5 HD) #Pathfinder1e #bogey based on the stat-block of Pathfinder1e #redkind #fey and the abilities of the Pathfinder2e bogey.
It has adjusted ability scores of the redkind and some of its special abilities, but has the devour souls ability of the P2e bogey and all the spell-like abilities were modified so it doesn't have any that aren't shared with my variant #bogeyman (except minor image, as I gave my bogeyman persistent image instead).
#pathfinder1e #bogey #redkind #fey #bogeyman #homebrew #p1e
Sometimes I watch #YouTube and I'm dissatisfied with the quantity of #Pathfinder1e GM-specific videos on the service.
I think to myself, "Well, I can't find what I want to watch. Maybe I should make it myself."
I run though this fantasy wherein I create a YouTube channel about #P1e content like making/tweaking monsters, then I remember just how much work it would be to create content for and manage a YouTube channel. I allow the fantasy to quickly blow away on the wind.
#youtube #pathfinder1e #p1e #pathfinderrpg
I'm considering adding Hero Points to my #Pathfinder1e #Ustalav game. I haven't decided if I want to allow the PCs to gain Hero Points at level-up (starting at level 10; half the party has hit level 10) or if Hero Points should only be available via items and spells.
If I allow Hero Points (from Advanced Player's Guide), I'll also allow spending them to negate penalties of Wound Thresholds (from Unchained) for 1 round. We've used Wound Thresholds awhile.
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #ttrpg #p1e #pathfinderrpg
I'm considering adding Hero Points to my #Pathfinder1e #Ustalav game. I haven't decided if I want to allow the PCs to gain Hero Points at level-up (starting at level 10; half the party has hit level 10) or if Hero Points should only be available via items and spells.
If I allow Hero Points, in addition to the normal effects (detailed in Advanced Player's Guide), I'll allow spending them to negate penalties of Wound Thresholds for 1 round. We've used Wound Thresholds awhile.
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #ttrpg #p1e
I have a sentient undead ooze in my #Pathfinder1e #Ustalav campaign that can create #zombies
I gave it the spawnlink feat from Horror Adventures. This feat allows the undead to see through its spawn's eyes with their vision or its vision (whichever is better) and to speak through them in its voice.
Dear reader, my undead ooze understands language but can't speak. I will allow it to speak only through spawn.
I also decided that it loses control of its zombies if it splits.
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #zombies #ttrpg #p1e
I didn't know mohrg was new for 3e. I assumed it had been around for decades like many #DnD undead. Well, it has been around for decades now.
The Fleshwalker Mohrg is a variant in #Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited.
It was overshadowed in that book by the demonic mohrg.
Demonic mohrg is a possession spirit that drives someone to homicides and, once they're executed, it brings them back as the CR 12 #mohrg variant. (Standard #P1e mohrg is CR 8.)
#DnD #pathfinder #mohrg #p1e #pathfinder1e